Chapter 19: Death Takes A Halliwell

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Chris sobbed on Leah's body. Sobbed harder than he ever had before. He held onto her tightly, willing her to open her eyes, to come back to him. To smile and see how her eyes sparkled.

But she didnt. She was gone and he couldnt take it. He was so lost in emotion that he didnt feel the hands on his shoulders. Didnt hear the strangled sobs of his mother and her sisters and didnt hear the piercing cry of his brother.

Why did you leave me!? He thought angrily. What did you have to go! Come back, please come back! He silently begged. He gripped onto Leah tightly. Holding her shoulders, her face, her hands. Trying to memorize every part of her.

"Cmon Chris, lets go." His father said softly, starting to pull him away. "No!" He yelled and clung to Leah. "I cant leave her! I wont!" His father let go of him and stepped back, looking at his mother.

Chris didnt notice, all he did was cry and mumble things to Leah. How he was sorry, how he loved her. How he should have believed her. He ran his fingers through her hair, down her neck, trailing them along her until he reached her hand. He entwined their fingers and sobbed when he realized that her fingers would never curl around his again.

Chris sobbed and resisted against his families effort to try and move him away from her. I need her he thought I need her back.

And that was when Chris made a promise to himself. I will do whatever it takes to get you back, Leah. Whatever it takes.

* * *


When Cole heard the news he was devestated. Leah had been like a daughter to him and now she was gone. Phoebe clung to him, crying into his chest as he cried into her hair. This isnt fair! Why Leah!? Why!?

Cole clutched his wife just as desperately as she clutched him. Together they cried and held eachother for a long time, each devestated at the death of their family member.

* * *


Images of deja vu rushed over Piper when she saw Leah. No, this isnt happening again! It cant! Prues face flashed through her mind and the image of Prue lying there on the floor blurred infront of her vison.

No not again! Piper thought as she cried, Leo engulfing her into his arms. Piper couldnt lose another sister. She couldnt. It had nearly killed her the last time and this time it just made everything worse. Because Leah had died saving her sons. And Piper would never be able to thank her.

Piper curled into her husband, sobbing as waves of pain overcame her. This, she would bever forget.

* * *


Paige clutched Wyatt desperately. He screamed in her amrs and she walked out of the attic, crying as she held him. Leah was the first sister she had ever lost and the weight of that death was threatening to crush her. Wyatts cries made everything worse, his strangled sobs crushed Paige's heart.

What good is it if I can heal if I cant heal her! Paige thought bitterly. She walked into Wyatts room and sat down in the rocking chair, rocking Wyatt and herself as they cried.

Paige couldnt think, the only thing she could think about was the pain in her chest and how much it hurt.

* * *


Even though she knew this was coming, Phoebe couldnt handle the amount of pain she was in. Even though Leah had only been in their lives for a short period of time she had touched them all.

But what made everything worse for Phoebe was seeing her strong, put together family so broken. So apart. Her tears wouldnt stop flowing and she clutched Cole.

Leah was apart of their family. Leah was Halliwell and her death made everything seem grey. So dull and lifeless. Phoebes tear kept on falling.

Leah we love you. She thought.

* * *


Chris' tears wouldnt stop. He couldnt stop staring at Leahs lifeless form. I love you. He thought.

As he sat up and wiped away some tears he let go of Leahs hand for a brief moment and as he did, he watched as he body began to fade away.

"NO! LEAH!" He yelled. His family looked up to see her fading and they all gasped. In a few seconds Leah was completely gone and Chris felt even more heart broken.

He stood up suddenly, orbing out of his house and into the underworld.

He was getting Leah back.

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