Chapter 18: The Finale Battle

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I breathed in and out steadily, trying to calm myself. I let my demonic hearing range out and heard Gideon in the foyer where I had first arrived in Magic School. Ok Leah, no fears. We're doing this for Wyatt.

I breathed out and opened my blackened eyes, walking confidantly into the foyer, my black floor length coat trailing behind me. As I entered Gideon slowly turned around. We were alone in the room. Completely alone. "The Almighty Child" he said in a cruel voice "what a lovely surprise. Its not everyday that we get a mutated hybrid in school." His smile taunted me, inviting me to snippily reply. But I was better than that, and petty mockery wasnt why I was here.

I narrowed my eyes. "You have no idea who youre taunting here. I out age you by hundreads of years."

"Yes but older does not always mean wiser." A low growl escaped me, he was pushing my patience. "What exactly is it that you want with Wyatt Halliwell. And dont try to deny anything otherwise you wont be speaking much longer." He chuckled and started walking, I walked in the opposite direction and slowly we circled eachother.

"Wyatt, like you, is a freak of nature. He imposes a huge threat to both good and evil and sometimes sacrafices must be made in order to obtain the balence of the Grand Design." My blackened eyes narrowed and my nails extended. "So you plan on killing him, for the greater good?"

He smiled evily "exactly." My blood boiled and I shifted completely. "Just as I plan on killing you as well."

Thats it. Ive had enough. I roared angrily and ran, lunging at him with full force.

* * *


Chris paced around the attic waiting. Waiting for anything. A sign, a call, hell even a singing telegram! Just something that would let him know what was going on with his family and Leah.

Leah...if anything happened to her, Chris would be devestated. I should have told her how I felt about her, should have said something! But he didnt and now it was probably going to be too late. He had no doubt in his mind that if Leah did in fact attack Gideon that she would be ok, but it was the after part he was worried about.

What would happen to her? Where would she go? Did this mean that they were broken up? Questions swirled around his mind and he continued to pace the attic. Wyatt watching him all the while from his play pen.

* * *


"Alright are we ready?" Piper asked her sisters. Phoebe nodded and spoke quietly "ready as Ill ever be." Piper knew what was wrong. It was never easy when something like this happend. When someone on the side of good had to be vanquished-no, killed. It was murder and none of them like to go through with it. "Lets just get this over with. We need to help Leah." Paige said.

The three of them nodded, putting their potion bottles in their pockets they linked hands. Paige orbed them to Magic School, right in the middle of chaos.

* * *

I could only describe the battle between Gideon and I as a dance. I lunged and got a good swipe across his face, leaving deep scratches from his temple to his chin on the right side. He howled in pain and then used his Elder powers to try and electricute me. I moved out of the way and used my own electrical powers to do the same to him.

We battled it out, energy balls and electricity flying everywhere. I dodged, ducked and danced around everything. Pissing him off even more. I flew fire, air, water and earth at him over and over and everytime I hit him it seemed to fuel his rage even more.

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