Chapter 4: Hell Hath No Fury

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I opened my eyes as the morning light streamed in through the windows. As my mind slowly cleared I sat up and rubbed my eyes, stretching out a little. Well i guess its time for breakfast. I got out of bed and walked across my bedroom floor in my pajamas, quickly tying my hair back into a messy bun. As I opened the door, a flood of voices came from down the stairs, along with the smell of food. My stomach growled and I followed the extravagent scent hungrily.

When I finally made it down the stairs and turned into the dinning area, the Halliwell family was all starting to take a seat at the table. Piper noticed I was standing there and smiled "Well goodmorning!" She said brightly. "Good morning" I said. Piper came over to me and led me to an empty seat at the table "have a seat Leah, we were just about to have breakfast" I nodded and said alright.

Just then Chris orbed in, standing by the edge of the table where his mother was standing. "Morning mom" he said and kissed her cheek. She smiled "Chris go sit down please" he nodded and started to move over to an empty seat.

Right directly across from me. Great.

He caught my eye and glowered at me. "What are you doing here? This is a family breakfast" I narrowed my eyes at him and said nothing, looking away from his rage filled stare. "Chris thats enough. Shes part of the family now" Piper said. He completely ignored her and continued on "What? Nothing to say to me this morning? Or are you going to rip out my throat instead?"

My blood boiled and I got up suddenly. "Im going to go get Wyatt" I said through clenched teeth. I left the table, nobody stopping me from leaving.The beast within fed from my anger, stirring restlessly within me. Jackass, who the hell does he think he is anyway? I climbed the stairs angrily, my heart ringing in my ears. As I walked to Wyatts room I thought. Why the hell does Chris insist on being such an idiot? I apologized for attacking him and have been nothing but nice to the rest of his family! you would think he would at least try to be nice...

I walked up to Wyatts room and opened the door. As I stepped into the room I saw him standing up in his crib. As our gazes met he squealed with delight and started bouncing up and down. I smiled at him and walkrd up to him "Hi buddy!" I said. He reached his arms up and opened and closed his hands, wanting for me to pick him up. I reached in and grabbed him under his arms, hauling him up into mine.

"Oh how Ive missed you!" I said and hugged him to me. He was so adorable, wearing blue jeans and a light blue shirt. He cooed happily and I kissed his cheek. I left his room and began walking down the stairs. As I got closer to the dinning area I heard Chris speaking loudly to his family.

"Why else do you think she likes Wyatt so much!?" Are you fucking kidding me right now!? Is he actually serious!? "Well Wyatt dosnt see her as a threat. Hes never put up his forcefield around her and quite frankly I think hes growing attached to her" Leo said calmly. "Why dosnt anyone ever listen to me? And here I thought charges were supposed to listen to their whitelighters!" Chris said sounding annoyed.

There was a chorus of sighs and I decided to come down. I turned the corner and walked in. Everyones head turned toward my direction. I looked straight ahead at Chris "and here I thought whitelighters were supposed to have faith in their charges." He narrowed his eyes at me "youre not my charge"

"Actually I am, and quite frankly Chris, I havent known you long enough to hate you, but by the way youre acting its really starting to reach that level."

"I dont care what you feel towards me" he spat. "Well you should! A whitelighter is supposed to care about their charges and seeing as though youre the first whitelighter Ive ever had youre not doing a good job of living up to your status"

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