Chapter 5: Training

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I dressed quickly. Changing from pajammas to my training clothes. I slipped on my black workout bra and matching black shorts, then I flipped my hair over and tied it up into a tight ponytail. When I was done with my hair I laced up my black combat boots and headed out of my room. I walked down the stairs quickly eager to get going. As I reached the main floor, Paige was walking by and she stopped, giving me a semi-shocked smile. "Well dont you look...dangerous" she said with a playful smile. I hopped off the last step. "Well Cole and I are going to be training in a few minutes so this is what I train in" I did a little spin, letting her see all of me.

Just as I was finishing spinning, Chris walked in and stopped in his tracks. His eyebrows were raised and he looked me over some what appreciatively. "Well then" he said. I crossed my arms over my chest, and looked away from his suggestive gaze. He leaned against the doorway "So what are we all doing?" he asked. I was quite surprised at his tone Maybe hes going to actually try to be nice afterall...

"We arent doing anything. I am going to be training with Cole." He raised his eyebrows and nodded "alright" he said before turning and heading toward the kitchen. I looked over towards Paige, my eyebrows raised questioningly "What was that about?" I asked.

She shrugged and raised her hands "you got me" I shook my head before heading down to the basement, seeing Cole throwing down blue matts along the floor. "I got Phoebe to enchant them so that they are magic proof" he said as he finished lining them along the walls. He wore all black pants and no shirt, his brown hair slightly ruffled.

As I stepped down onto the basement floor he turned around and I nodded. "Ok so whats first?" I asked. He stepped forward and slapped me across the face. Hard.

A shocked gasp escaped from my mouth and the beast within roared. "What the hell was that!?" The beast said, tearing its way up my throat. His only response was to punch me hard in the stomach. My anger flared and the beast pressed hard to get out. The monster roared and my eyes went black. Cole stared blankly at me before throwing me with demonic force into one of the matts. I crumpled to the floor and the monster pushed its way out. I flipped my hair back and my shifted form stared angrily at Cole.

He stood there unmoving and I charged at him. I lashed out with my leg, about to round-house kick him square in the stomach. But before my foot made contact, he grabbed my ankle and pulled me to the floor. Straddling my waist and pulling my arms above my head. The beast and I roared, snarling as he wouldnt let us go.

"Leah" he said calmly "you need to learn to take control of your demonic side." The beast roared and his words sunk in. I fought hard against the demon inside of me, willing to control it instead of lock it down. "Focus on not caging it but taming it, Leah. Dont let it take control of you"

The beast within struggled with me as it didnt want to surrender. My body shifted back and forth between human and demonic form as the internal war raged on. I let my body relax and feel nothing, hoping to try and tame the beast that way. It worked, I closed my eyes and fought to tame instead of cage. The beast complied and for once I felt the monster within me hide into the shadows instead of press against the barrier that I had always had it caged in.

I opened my eyes and looked up at Cole "is it controlled?" he asked. I nodded and he got up off of me, grabbing my hand and pulling me up. "Now the ultimate test" he said. I looked at him slightly confused and before I knew what he was doing, Cole pulled out a knife and stabbed me hard in the stomach. I let out a cry of pain and fell to my knees.

Only this time the beast didnt push to surface. It waited for my command, waiting to see if I needed to unleash it or not. I looked up at Cole who was smirking. "Well i can see you passed" I groaned and pulled the knife out of me, throwing it at him. Unfortunately he caught it before it could touch him. Bastard I thought grumpily. I pressed my hand to my bleeding side "Chris!" I called. Seconds later blue sparkling lights appeared before us and Chris looked down at me. "What?" he said.

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