Chapter 16: Magic School

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"All set?" I asked the sisters as we stood in the attic. We were gearing up to go to magic school. "Leo are you sure that ill be able to get in?" I asked him. Leo was watching us as he held onto Wyatt. He was going to stay here with the rest of the men. "Im sure. The Elders told me themselves."

I had never actually been in magic school, being part demon and all I wasnt allowed but I guess after everything that has happened in the last little while the Elders decided it was time to let me into their evil free sanctuary.

"Alright, lets go then." I said. We all linked hands and Paige and I orbed us into the main foyer of Magic School. I looked around absolutely astounded. There were large pillars that reached the cieling, circling the room. Bookshelves lined the walls with ancient looking books filling its shelves. I could feel the amount of ancient magic surrounding me, and I breathed in greedily, soaking it up like a sponge.

I felt serene in this place, finally at peace. "Welcome to Magic School" Paige said to me. I smiled at her and let my eyes wander around again. "I cant believe Im actually here. I-I just cant believe it."

A soft chuckle escaped the sisters and I laughed. I remembered a time where I used to hate Magic School and everyone a part of it. How was it fair that while all these other magical children got to learn how to cultivate their powers I had to live in constant fear, on the run with expanding powers that could most probably wipe out the universe?

But the Elders insisted that I was a threat, that my being in school would be dangerous towards everyone else, and so I was shunned from the magical community and my hatred towards them fueld my inner demon. Mind you as I got older the resentment faded and all that was left was understanding and a cold exterior.

Now though, I felt all of that dissappear. Students bustled around, casting spells, reading books, chatting amongst one another. It felt surreal to me, as if a place like this couldnt exist. "We need to find Gideon." Piper said. I raised my brows "Whos Gideon?" I asked.

"Hes the head master of Magic School, as well as an Elder." Great, just great. Another resentful Elder on my hands. I thought bitterly. I nodded my head and followed the three sister through the halls, continuing to admire the interior of the school.

As we walked through the halls I heard the whispers of the mesmerized students, commenting as The Charmed Ones passed them. I smirked and trailed slightly behind.

Thats when I heard it. The hushed whispers of my name.

I turned around to see a group of students watching me hesitantly. When they met my eyes I saw fear pass through a few pairs, others held awe in their eyes and some just held confusion.

"The Almighty Child." Whispered a boy with brown hair. I nodded "thats me" a few of the girls' eyes widened and stepped back. A sly smirk spread across my features and I let my eyes go black "what? Are you scared?" I asked, allowing the ancient power of my years to seep into my voice, causing the students to cower in fear.

I chuckled darkly. Oh how young and naïve they can be. My eyes cleared up then and they relaxed. "Is it true? Everything we've heard about you?" Asked a blonde girl. She nervously tucked her hair behind her ear as she met my eyes. "Well it depends on what youve heard."

"Can you actually shift?" Asked what I can only describe as a jock looking guy. I smirked and unleashed my demon, shifting in front of them. "Does this answer your question?" He eyed me and grinned, giving me a playful smirk.

I shifted back, looking at the group. "Alright whos next?" I said, seeing the burning questions in their eyes. "What would you say is your most dangerous power?" Asked a blonde kid. I raised my eyebrows "whats your name?" I asked him. He looked taken aback and answered quickly "Jason.."

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