Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

A few days later, Chris is released from the hospital and we head to the courthouse. Street helps her into the wheelchair before we head inside and half an hour later, Luca and I are married. Heading home, Street takes Chris to their apartment to rest and Luca and I go to walk in the door, he stops me and picks me up to carry me over the threshold and straight to the bedroom. Laying me on the bed, he hovers over me, kissing me softly before deepening the kiss. We shed clothes in between kisses and he enters me slowly. Thrusting in and out slowly, making love to me for the first time as husband and wife. Once we reach our release, together, he pulls me into his side and kisses the top of my head. "I love you Kiera Luca." I look up at him and smile. "I love you too Dom." I say before kissing his bare chest before drifting off to sleep.

The next morning, I go to get up and he pulls me closer to him. "Go back to sleep." he whispers. "I want to start breakfast." I tell him. "I'll take you out for breakfast." he tells me before pulling me closer again. Once we finally get out of bed, we go for a round in the shower before heading out to the diner. Walking in, we take a booth and order our food. "I can't believe we're married." I tell him smiling. "I know. It's surreal." he says smiling back. After we eat, we head to the beach. Walking out to one of the bonfire pits, we put a blanket down before wrapping one around us, me sitting between his legs. He lights the fire as the sun goes down and we sit there until the early morning before putting the fire out and heading home to get some sleep.

Waking up the next morning, we are sitting on the couch when my phone rings. "Hey Chrissy." I say smiling. "Hey Bug. How's the honeymoon going? Finally come up for air?" she asks and I can't help but laugh. "Ha Ha. Funny. But yes, finally came up for air." I say laughing and Luca laughs with me. "Well, Street's making dinner tonight and I want my sister and brother-in-law to join us. Be here at six." she tells me. "We'll be there." I tell her before ending the call. "We have dinner at Chris and Street's house. Apparently Street's cooking." I tell him. "Okay. So we have all day to spend together." he tells me. "That we do." he says before he kisses me deeply and claims me there again on the couch.

Six on the dot, we were standing on my sister's doorstep. Street lets us in and I head to the couch with my sister while Luca heads to the grill with Street. "How are you feeling?" I ask her. "Better. Still sore but better. Street won't let me do anything." she tells me. "Good. You don't know how worried I was." I tell her. "I know. But I'm okay. I promise." she tells me. She puts he hand on mine and smiles. "So, tell me how the honeymoon is going?" she says, changing the subject. "Good. We watched the sunset at the beach, spent a lot of time naked, spent a lot of time talking." I tell her. "Good. Bug, I am so happy for you. You look so much happier than when you moved in with me. I have Luca to thank for that." she tells me. "I know. I was a mess when I moved in with you. Luca has been so good to me. I really don't think I could thank him enough. Or you. You're the one that introduced us and talked me into giving him a chance. Thank you for that." I tell her before hugging her. "I'm just glad you're happy." she tells me. "I've never been happier." I tell her, smiling as the guys walk in with our plates. After dinner, we sit around for coffee. Spending the evening laughing and just enjoying being with family.

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