Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Sitting next to Chris' bed, I'm holding her hand. Dom whispers "I'm gonna step out here and let one of the others come in for a few. You tell them to get me if you need me." he tells me. "I will." I tell him. He kisses the top of my head and heads out the door. Street comes in next. "How's she doing?" he asks. "No change. Vitals are good." I tell him. I look at him and see how he's looking at her. "You love her don't you?" I ask. "Yeah. I do. We told each other last night that we love each other." he tells me. "She loves you. I see it." I tell him. "I know." he tells me. "You okay?" I ask. "Yeah. Just worried about her." he says. "Me too." I say. "You need anything?" he asks. "No. Thanks though." I tell him.

Over the next little bit, they all come in. Dom comes back in. "Deacon and his wife are going to the house to pack us a bag." he tells me. "Okay." I say without taking my eyes off of my sister. He kneels in front of me and says "Talk to me baby." I look at him and say "This is what I was worried about. I don't want to lose any of you and look how close I came to losing her." I say as the tears fall. Wiping my tears away, he says "You ain't losing any of us." I look at him and say "I want to move up the wedding. When she gets out of here, I just want to find a Justice of the Peace and get married." I tell him. "Are you sure?" he asks. "Completely." I tell him. Kissing me softly he says 'We'll get it done." before standing and saying "I'm gonna walk to the cafeteria and get us something to eat." I shake my head and say "I'm not hungry." He tilts my head to look at him "I'm going to get us something to eat." I nod my head and say "Thank you." He kisses me softly and says "I love you." I smile softly and say "I love you more."

The next couple of days are much of the same. The crew coming in to check on her. Dom comes in with dinner and says "Just heard from Hondo. They caught the guy that shot Chris." he tells me and my head snaps to look at him. "Seriously?" I ask. "Yeah. He has a lot of charges being put on him. Theft, shooting a police officer, resisting arrest, fraud, even possession of child porn. He's going to be going away for a long time." he tells me. I breathe a sigh of relief as I feel Chris' hand move. "Chris?" I ask. Her eyes flutter opened and I am up on my feet, hugging her. "Hey. Hey." she whispers. I look at her and say "I thought I lost you." She smirks and says "Nah. Needed a vacation." I glare at her and say "That's not funny Chris." as I step away from her. "I'll get the doctor." I say and leave the room. "She okay?" Chris asks Dom. "No. She's not left your side. Been having to force her to shower and eat." Dom says. "Shit." she says. "Yeah." Dom says.

Doctor comes in and checks her out. "Looks like you are healing well. We still want to keep you a few more days to make sure there's no issues before letting you go home. But you are going to be on bedrest for at least a couple of weeks before we even think about letting you move around. You'll be out of work at least a month." he says and Chris nods. I'm sitting on the side of the room, letting them do their thing as Dom steps out to call everyone. "Come here." Chris says. I walk to the bed and she says "I'm sorry for the bad joke." I shake my head. "It's not the joke. You're my twin. I need you here." I tell her as the tears fall again. "I know but look, I'm okay. I'm going to be fine." she tells me. "I know." I tell her. Dom walks back into the room and says "Street is on his way." She looks at me and says "I have something to tell you." I smirk and say "I already know. You love him huh?" I ask. "Yeah." she says. "Good. But we have something tell you. We're getting married at the courthouse as soon as you are out of here." I tell her. "Are you sure?" she asks. "Positive." I tell her and she smiles.

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