Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The next morning, I have a job interview. I wake up to Luca's text.

L: Good morning Beautiful. Good luck today. You got this.

K: Good morning baby. Thanks. I'm nervous though.

L: You don't need to be. You got this. Call me after.

K: I don't want to bother you at work. I'll text you.

L: Okay but you can still call.

K: I'll let you know when I find out something.

L: Okay Princess. Talk soon.

K: Okay. Be safe please.

L: Will do Baby.

I get ready for my interview and head out the door. An hour and a half later, I walk out the door with a new job and feeling really good about things. My sister's close, new job and great guy. I head to the car and head home. Walking in the door, I call Luca. "Hey Princess. How'd it go?" he asks. "Good. I start next Monday." I say. "See, I told you not to worry. Congrats Babe." he says. "Thanks. Things just seem to be falling into place." I tell him. We talk for a few more minutes before he had to get back to work and I decide to do a little shopping.

Walking back into the house, after picking up some new outfits for work, I decide to do some baking. I get the cake in the oven and there's a knock on the door. I open the door without looking through the peephole and I see my ex, Jordan, standing there. "What do you want Jordan?" I ask. "I wanted to say I'm sorry. I want you to come home." he tells me. "What about your girlfriend? Thought you were going to be a daddy?" I ask. "Turns out she was never pregnant. Just said that to get me to leave you." he tells me. "So, what am I supposed to do? Just pack up and move back with you?" I ask. "Yeah." he says. "No. I'm here with my sister and I'm seeing someone." I tell him. "Yeah right. Have you looked at yourself? You're fat. No one wants that. Now, get your things and come on." he tells me. "No." I say. "You honestly think this guy is going to stay faithful to you? No man wants a fat girl. You're not even pretty. I don't give a shit if you come back or not. I just wanted a piece of ass sitting there waiting on me. Oh well. Stay alone. Keep telling yourself that someone gives a shit about you. You're nothing." he tells me before I slam the door in his face and start to sob.

Chris comes home from work and sees me sobbing on the couch. "Hey. What happened?" she asks. I just shake my head. "Talk to me. What happened?" she asks. "Jordan showed up." I tell her. "Shit. What did he say?" she asks. "Telling me he wanted me to come home. His girlfriend was never pregnant. When I said no, he told me that I'm fat and ugly and that no one wants me. He said no one gives a shit about me and that Dom won't stay faithful. I can't do this. He's right." I tell her and start to sob harder. She sits and just holds me. I finally get myself together a little and go to my room to lay down and find myself sobbing even more.

A little bit later, there's a knock on my door and I don't answer. I hear it open and think it's Chris until I feel the bed dip down. I feel an arm wrap around me and hear him whisper "I got you baby. I'm not going anywhere." I try to pull away from him but he doesn't let me. He rolls me over and pulls me closer. "Talk to me baby." he says. I sit up and stand up from the bed. "I can't do this Dom." I tell him softly. "Why not? Because you ex wants to fill you with lies?" he says softly. "Dom..." I start but he walks over and cups my face and says "You're my girl. Nothing changes that. You're perfect. I'm not going anywhere and I won't cheat." he tells me. He kisses me softly and I say "Okay. I'm sorry Dom." He kisses me again and says "You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm here Princess. You're beautiful and smart and amazing. If I have to tell you that everyday for the rest of your life, I will." he says, looking into my eyes. I say "Thank you." I pull him to the bed and we lay down. I lay my head on his chest and he just rubs my back as I rub light circles on his chest. 

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