Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

As we are sitting out on the deck, talking and laughing for a while and Luca is still lightly rubbing my shoulder. I look at Chris and she's smiling at me and I just smile back. I see Street look at us and then at Chris and he says "Chris, you wanna go for a ride?" I look at them and see both of them smirking and Chris says "Yeah. Let's go." Walking over to me, she kisses my cheek and whispers "Have fun." I flip her off and she starts laughing.

Once they are gone, Luca and I are sitting in the swing and just looking out at the yard. "So, tell me a little more about you, Kiera." he says. "Not much to tell. When Chris went into the academy, I went to community college and got a degree in Business Administration. Chris and I spent a lot of time growing up, it being just us so we are really close on top of being twins." I say. "Was that your dream?" he asked. "No. I was really into music. Always singing. Used to drive Chris nuts. She's a badass but can't carry a tune for shit." I tell him and we laugh. "Tell me about you, Luca." I say. "My first name is Dominique but people that I'm close to call me Dom or Luca. I'm third generation SWAT. Dad and Granddad were both SWAT. Love music and surfing." he says. "I sensed the surfer boy in you." I tell him. "That a good thing?" he asked. "Yeah. It is. I always loved watching people surf. Never tried it myself though. Chris is the adventurous one, not me." I tell him. "Maybe one day I can teach you." he says looking at me. "Maybe." I say.

We sit outside for a little while, just talking. The more we talked, the more comfortable I felt around him. Before I know it, I have my head laying on his shoulder while we talk and his arm is around me. I feel him kiss the top of my head and I look up at him. He just looks at me and caresses my cheek. I take a chance and reach up. Putting my hand behind his neck, I pull him down slightly and he places a soft kiss to my lips. I allow him to deepen it just a little but he doesn't push me for more. When we part, he asks "Was that okay?" I smile softly and say "Yeah but Dom, I need to take this slow. I have to get my head right before anything happens between us. " I say. He smiles softly and says "I understand." He kisses me softly again and I lay my head back on his shoulder and we just sit in silence.

I hear Street's bike pull up and Chris walks in the door as we walk back inside. "I better head out. I'll text you in the morning." he tells me. "Okay. Drive safe." I tell him. I walk him outside and he kisses me softly and says "Talk to you in the morning Kiera." I smile and nod before he heads out. Walking back inside, I see Chris standing there smirking. "Shut up." I tell her but I can't hide my smile. Walking over to the couch, we sit down and I ask "How was your ride with Street?" She laughs and says "Oh no. We're talking about you first." I just shake my head. "He's a nice guy." I tell her. "I told you but I need more than that." she tells me. "Fine. After you left, we started talking and getting to know each other a little better and I laid my head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of my head and when I looked up at him, he was just so sweet. The way he touched my cheek, no one has ever been that gentle. I took a chance and kissed him." I tell her. "That's good Bug." she says. "Yeah, well, I kind of told him I wanted to take things slow so that I could get my head right before anything happens and he said he understands." I tell her. "That's good. You deserve to be happy and I saw how he was with you. Street said something about it when we stopped for ice cream." she said. "What did he say?" I asked. "He said that you when anyone else spoke to you that you seemed sad but not when Luca spoke to you. You're eyes seem to light up a little when he speaks to you." she said and I blush. "You like him don't you?" she asked. "Yeah. But..." I start. "But what Bug?" she asked. "Chrissy, what if he decides I'm not worth his time? Or that I'm not what he wants?" I ask. "He's not Jordan. This is why you were right in telling him you want to take things slow." she tells me. "Let's head to bed." I tell her. We say our goodnights and head to our rooms.

Waking up the next morning, I see a text on my phone. Opening the text, I see it's from Luca.

L: Good morning Beautiful.

K: Good morning Dom.

L: How'd you sleep?

K: Better than I have in awhile. You?

L: Really good. What do you have planned for the day?

K: Just sitting around here. Why?

L: We're off work today and thought I'd come hang with my new friend.

K: I'd like that.

L: See you in an hour?

K: Yeah. See you then.

I walk out of my room and see Chris sitting at the kitchen island drinking her coffee. "What do you have planned for today?" she asks as I sit down with my own coffee. "Uh, Luca is coming over to hang out." I tell her. "Really? Well, I'll make myself scarce." she says. "You don't have to. This is your home." I tell her. "Yours too." she tells me smiling. I see her text someone and she says "Seeing if Street wants to hang out." Smirking myself I ask "There something there?" She smiles and says "We're seeing where it goes." I shake my head at her using my own words against me. A few minutes later, she heads out to Street's bike. I go to the kitchen and put a pizza in the oven and a few minutes later, there's a knock on the door. I open the door and see Luca standing there with a smile on his face. "Hey Princess." he says. "Hey." I say and blush a little.

I lead him into the kitchen and get the pizza out of the oven. "Cut it?" I ask handing him the pizza cutter while I get paper plates down. Getting a couple of beers out while he puts the slices on the plates for us, I walk back over to the island and take the seat next to him. He places a plate in front of me and I hand him his beer. "Thanks." he says. "Can I ask you something?" I ask. "Sure." he says. "Why do you call me Princess?" I ask. "Because that's how I see you and you deserve to be treated like one." he tells me. I lean my head over and lay against his shoulder for a minute and he kisses the top of my head. Sitting back up, I say "I have been thinking about things a little more. About us, I mean." I say. "And what did you come up with?" he asks. "I like you Dom. A lot. But I can't just jump into something. I need to make sure you can be patient with me." I say. "I can do that. I really like you." he says. I stand and move between his legs and I lean in and kiss his lips softly. He tries to deepen the kiss and I let him and for the first time in awhile, my insecurities don't creep in. When we pull apart, he asks "Can I at least call you my girl?" I smile softly and say "Yeah. I can handle that."

After we eat, we walk out to the back deck to the swing. I sit next to him and lean into him as he pulls me close. "I could get used to this." he says. "Me too." I say. I sit there just looking out at the yard and he asks "What are you thinking about?" I sit up a little and look at him. "The night I met you, when Chris and I were driving home, she started talking to me about us hitting it off. I told her that you would never go for me." I tell him. "Why not?" he asks. "After four years of being told you were fat and ugly, it tends to stick with you." I say. "You know that's not true right?" he asks. "I'm starting to. I like hanging out with you. You're nice and funny and really nice to look at." I tell him laughing. He smiles and says "Well, you're pretty awesome yourself. You're sweet and smart and really nice to look at. Good kisser too." he tells me and I blush as I bury my face in his chest. Kissing the top of my head he says "You're my girl." I look up and kiss him softly and say "And you're my man." He smiles and says "Hell yeah I am." 

Written In The SandOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora