Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The next morning, we get up and Chris says she has to head to work. "I'm gonna put in some applications and try to find a job." I tell her. "Okay. Take your time." she tells me. "Be safe Chrissy." I say before she walks out the door. I spend the next few hours, working on my resume and getting applications in.

While Chris is at work, Luca walks over and says "You got a minute?" Chris follows him to the side where they can speak in private and he asks "Your sister's a pretty cool chick." She laughs and says "You don't know the half of it but Luca, she's been through a lot here lately." He looks at her and asks "What happened?" She sighs and says "She just got out a messed up relationship." He looks at her and says "I was going to ask if she wanted to hang out. Talk a little more." Smirking she says "Why don't you and Street meet at my house. I'll pick up pizzas and we'll all hang out." Smiling he says "See you about six or so." She nods and they head back to the group.

Chris walks in the door at six holding a couple of pizzas. "Hey. I would have cooked you know." I tell her. "I know." She says. "You know we won't eat this much." I tell her. "I know. Got a couple guys coming over." she tells me and I look at her. She smirks at me and I say, "No. You guys have fun. I find something else to do." I go to head to my room and she grabs my arm. "He just wants to hang out. Just talk and get to know you. Nothing more." she tells me. "Fine." I say defeatedly.

A few minutes later, there's a knock on the door and Chris answers it. She leads them into the kitchen where I am getting out beers and paper plates. Sitting at the island, Chris sits across from me with Street beside her and Luca sits next to me. I sit and listen to the conversation while we eat and once we are done, Chris says "Let's go sit out back." We walk out to the back deck and there is a porch swing and two chairs. Chris and Street take the chairs leaving me and Luca to sit in the swing. "How was your day?" Luca asked me. "Busy. Revised my resume and did a ton of applications. What about you?" I asked. "Busy. Your girl here, took down this chick today. She was high as a kite. Started going on about how she looked like a Disney Princess." he says and we all start laughing. "Please tell me she said which one." I say. "I think she said Jasmine." Street says and I bust out laughing. "You know that's what we used to call her when we were kids. She had beautiful long hair. I think that's why she cut it." I say. I notice that Luca's arm is across the back of the swing and he start lightly rubbing his fingers on my shoulder. "Excuse me. I'll be right back." I say and go back inside. Going to the bathroom to get myself together, I splash water on my face and head back outside. As soon as I walk out of the bathroom, Luca is standing there. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." He tells me. "You didn't. It's just been a long time since anyone's bothered to touch me." I say. We walk back into the kitchen and he leans against the island as I get us another beer. "I think you're a cool chick Kiera." he says. "Luca. Don't. Please." I say. He moves next to me and asks "Why not?" I don't look at him. "I moved here because my boyfriend broke up with me. He was cheating on me and got her pregnant. Telling me it was my fault that he cheated because he wasn't attracted to me. Telling me that I'm too fat for him." I say. "He's wrong. You're perfect." he tells me. "I'd really like to get to know you." he tells me. "I don't know." I tell him. "Just as friends and if it goes father from that then great, if not, no pressure." he tells me. Thinking about it for a minute, I say "Okay."

We walk back outside and Chris looks at me and I know she's checking on me. I nod that I'm okay and Luca and I head back to the swing. Sitting down, he puts his arm across the back again and I move a little closer. Just friends. I can do that. I think to myself.

Written In The SandUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum