Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"I'm done." he tells me. "Fine." I say as I head to the bedroom and start packing my things. I don't have much so it all fits into three duffle bags. Heading out to the car, he says "I'm sorry it ended this way." I look at him and say "I'm not." before getting into the car and pulling out of the driveway. I had been living in San Diego with my boyfriend of four years and there was only one person that I had in my life that would never turn her back on my. My sister Christina, or Chris. Pulling over to get gas, I pull out my phone and call my sister. "Hello?" she answers. "Hey Chris." I say. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" she asks. "No. Jordan and I broke up and I'm in my car with everything I own with me." I tell her. "You know you have a place here. How long before you get here?" she asks. "A couple of hours. Thanks Chris." I say. "We're family. I got you." she says. We end the call and I head to my sisters.

A couple of hours later, I pull into her driveway. She walks out to help me get my bags and we head into the house. Sitting on the couch, she hands me a beer and sits down with her own. "Now. Tell me what happened." she says. Taking a drink of my beer, I start. "He's been going out with his friends a lot lately and coming home with hickeys on his neck. I didn't say anything before because I didn't want to lose him but I just couldn't take it anymore. He came home tonight with a few on his neck and I lost it. I told him I was tired of him hooking up with random women and them leaving marks on his neck. He told me that it wasn't random women. He's been seeing this one woman for a few months now. Apparently, she's pregnant and it's his." I tell her. "Wow. I'm sorry Sis. Seriously though, you don't need that douche. Look, some of us are going out after work tomorrow night for drinks. Why don't you come along. Meet the guys I work with and let loose a little." she tells me. "I don't know." I tell her. "Nope. You're going. Let's get some rest and then tomorrow while I'm working you can get unpacked and settled in. You're home now." she tells me. I hug her tight and say "Love you Chrissy." Smiling softly she says "Love you too Bug." She's not called me that since we were kids.

The next morning, I get up and start the coffee and breakfast. Plating the food when Chris comes into the room. "Here. Eat." I tell her. "Thanks." she says. We sit down to eat and I ask "What time are we going out tonight?" Between bites, she says "Be ready at six. I'll be by to pick you up." she tells me. "Okay." I say. She heads to work and I start cleaning up the kitchen. Getting my things unpacked, I see it's almost five so I start getting ready. I put on a black flowy peasant top, a pair of black form fitting jeans, my black heeled booties and leave my hair down in its natural waves. Doing light makeup, I'm ready to go when Chris walks in. "Ready?" she asks. "Yeah." I say.

Walking into the bar, we walk up to a table full of men and Chris says hello. "Hey guys. This is my sister Kiera. She moved in with me last night." she tells them. "Hey." I say. They all say hello and Chris says. "This is Hondo, Deacon, Street, Tan and Luca." I take a seat at the table and Luca takes a glass and pours me and Chris beers. "Thanks." I say. "So, Chris said you just moved here. Where from?" Hondo asks. "I was living in San Diego these last four years." I say. "What made you leave?" Luca asks. "Nothing there for me anymore and decided I missed my sister." I say. They all nod. We go on talking and Chris grabs my hand and pulls me to the dancefloor once I get a few beers in me. I spend the next little bit dancing and laughing with my sister before we head back to the table. Luca pours me another beer and I say "Thanks Luca." We sit around a little more before there's only me, Chris, Street and Luca. "Tell me a little more about you Kiera." Luca says. "Not much to tell. Grew up just south of LA with my sister and our mom. Now it's just me and Chris. She's my best friend." I say and she butts in and says "Only because we're twins." I roll my eyes. "I know but I'm older." I say. "By two freaking minutes." she says and Street and Luca start laughing. "Go back to your boy." I tell her and she sticks her tongue out at me.

A little later, Luca and I are still talking and getting to know each other when Chris says she's ready to head home. "I guess I better go. It was nice talking to you Luca." I say. "Yeah, you too." he tells me. We all say our goodbyes and head out the door. Getting into Chris' car, she says "So, you and Luca seemed to hit it off." I just look at her and say "Don't go there, Sis." She glances at me and says "Why not? He's a nice guy." I just shake my head and say "Just don't. Please." She looks at me concerned and when we pull into the driveway, she asks "What aren't you telling me?" I wipe the tear that escapes and say "I didn't tell you the reason that Jordan cheated on me." She says "I'm listening." Sighing, I say "He said that he wasn't attracted to me anymore. That he couldn't handle being with a fat girl anymore." I tell her. "You aren't fat." she tells me. "I'm not skinny." I say sadly and get out of the car. "Luca isn't like that." she tells me. "Chris, we just talked. Nothing's coming of it." I tell her and she drops it. We head inside and I head straight to bed. I enjoyed talking to Luca tonight but it can't happen. It won't. A guy like him won't go for a girl like me.

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