Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

After dinner, we all sit out on the deck and just sit. "Are you okay Bug?" Chris asks. "Yeah. I think so." I tell her. Luca pulls me closer and just holds me. "You three have to promise that you will all come back in one piece. I can't lose you guys." I tell them. "We promise. We always look out for each other." Chris tells me. I lay my head against Luca's chest and Chris and Street head inside. Luca pulls my legs across his lap and pulls something out of his pocket. "I want you to wear this." he says. He shows me a necklace with a medallion on it. "This is my St Michael's medallion. He's the Guardian of Police Officers." he tells me. "My grandmother gave it to my grandfather when he joined the force and he gave it to my dad who gave it to me. I want you to wear it." he tells me. "Are you sure, Dom?" I ask. "You're my girl. I love you. You're the one that I want to have my last name someday. I'm sure." he tells me. I turn so that he can put it on me and then he kisses me softly. "You want to marry me someday?" I ask. "Yeah Kiera. I do." he says. "I want to marry you too." I tell him.

We sit out for a little while longer before heading to bed. Lying in bed, my back is to him and he has his arms wrapped around me. I hear him whisper in my ear "I will always come home to you." I snuggling closer to him and feel him start to kiss on my neck and shoulder. Turning in his arms I say "Love me Dom." He kisses me softly and says "I already do." We start to undress in between kisses and he enters me slowly. Never breaking the kiss. Slowly making love to me and it just seems like the connection is so much deeper this time.

The next morning, we are sitting at breakfast and I am running my fingers over the medallion that he gave me when Chris asks "What's that?" nodding to the necklace. "Dom gave me his St Michael's medallion." I tell her. She looks at Dom and smiles. After breakfast, she asks "Can I talk to you a minute?" Dom nods before kissing me and following her to the back deck. "I love that you are with my sister and you've been good for her but where do you see this going? I know you love her but she's going to want marriage and kids. You ready for that?" she asks. "Yeah, I am. I told her I want to marry her someday and I mean it." he tells Chris. "Good. I know you'll take care of her but I just wanted to know where your head was." she says. "With her. I've been looking at rings." he says. "Good. Be good to her." she says before they both walk back inside. He walks over to me and kisses me softly. I look at Chris and she just smiles.

The three of them head out to work and I know this is my last day of being home alone. They had been gone for a little over an hour when there was a knock at the door. I look through the peephole and see Jordan there. "What do you want?" I ask through the door. "Open up and talk to me." he says. "I'm not opening the door. You need to leave." I tell him. He starts banging on the door. "Open up the fucking door." he yells. I jump. Running to make sure that the back door is locked, I pick up my phone and call Luca. "Hey babe. What's up?" he asks. "Dom." I say and he asks "What's wrong?" I am almost in tears. "Jordan is banging on the door yelling to open up." I say. "Lock yourself in your room. We're on our way. I love you." he says. "I love you. Please hurry." I say. I go to the bedroom like he told me and lock the door. A few minutes later, I hear banging and crashing. "Kiera, open up. It's me." I hear my sister say. I open the door and she pulls me into a hug. I hear Dom in the living room "You won't ever come near Kiera again. You piece of shit." Dom says. I hear Hondo. "We got him Luca. Go check on your girl." Hondo says. Luca walks over and pulls me close. "Are you okay?" he asks. "I am now." I say. Kissing me softly he says "We're gonna take him in. Chris is staying here to help clean up but I gotta make sure that this dude don't bother you again." he tells me. "Be careful. I love you." I whisper. "I love you." he says before kissing me and heading out with the guys. Chris and I start to clean and she says "When you called, he freaked. Started running out the door before telling any of us what was going on. That man would die for you." she tells me. "I would for him too." I tell her and she just smiles.

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