Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The next couple of months go by and things with Luca and I are going great. Chris is spending more time at Street's house and Luca has pretty much moved in at our house. Laying in bed listening to him lightly snore, I think about how much I love him. I'm still wearing his St Michael's medallion and things have been pretty quiet. I get up without waking him and head to the kitchen to start breakfast. Once I get the food done and coffee is ready, I walk to the bedroom and straddle Luca. "Dom, baby, wake up." I say softly. He starts to stir and kisses me softly before pulling me as close as he can get me. "Morning babe." he says. "Come on. Food's done." I tell him before trying to pull away. "I'd rather have you." he says. "How about after breakfast, we shower." I tell him. "Hell yeah." he says. I get off the bed and head to the kitchen, handing him his plate and coffee as he walks in. Kissing my cheek he says "Thanks babe." We sit to eat and he says "I want to take you somewhere today since we're both off work." he tells me. "Okay. After our shower, we'll head out." I tell him and he nods.

After breakfast, I clean up the kitchen and we head to the shower. Getting in, I stand under the stream of hot water when he steps behind me. He starts kissing my neck as he runs his hand down my stomach to my center and starts rubbing slow circles on my little bundle of nerves causing me to react. I start to moan until he stops and turns me around, facing him. Pinning me to the wall of the shower, he picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He kisses me deeply as he enters me slowly and starts to thrust in and out slowly. "Faster baby, please." I moan into his ear. "Fuck baby. You feel so good." he rasps. The faster he thrusts the harder he thrusts. "I'm close Dom." I say. "Cum with me baby." he says as he picks up the pace. We both reach our release at the same time. Taking a minute to catch our breath, we finish our shower before getting dressed and walking out the door.

An hour later, we are pulling up to these beautiful cliffs overlooking the beach. We get out and he puts a blanket down on the ground for us to sit down. I sit down between his legs and we just sit there looking out at the view. "I love you." he says softly. "I love you too." I tell him. "You are the best thing that's happened to me. I hope you know that." He tells me. I turn in his arms and look at him. "Dom, what's wrong?" I ask, worried. "I love you more than anything. I wake up thinking about you and I go to sleep thinking about you. Everything I do, I think about if it's going to stop me from coming home to you." he tells me. I look into his eyes and see so much love. "I love you too, Dom. You're everything to me." I tell him. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small box. I look at it and then at him and see him smiling softly. He opens the small box and inside is a beautiful ring. Silver band with one large diamond in the center and a smaller diamond on each side of the large one. I look into his eyes and he says "Will you marry me?" I smile wide and say "Yeah, Dom. I'll marry you." He crashes his lips to mine and when we come up for air, he places the ring on my left ring finger.

A little later, we call Chris and Street to meet us at the house for dinner and order in. "What are you smiling for?" she asks me. I hold up my hand and her eyes go wide. "Holy shit. He did it." she says. I look at her and ask "You knew?" She laughs and says "He asked for my blessing months ago." I look at her shocked and she says "Looks like we have a wedding to plan."

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