2| Remembering the Past

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(Y/N)'s POV

I walk downstairs and grab my bento from mom. "Thanks, mom!". "Your welcome honey! Have a nice day at school!" mom says waving me goodbye.

I walk outside and see Mari standing by the helicopter. I walk over to Mari and asks her what she's doing. "Mari, what are you doing?". "Oh, you're finally done! We can go now!".

Mari walks inside the helicopter and sits down. "Come on (N/N)!". Hesitantly I get inside and sit next to Mari. The helicopter soon takes off, with Mari and me in it. "Mari, where are we going?." I say looking at her.

"We're going to school, but first I need to make a quick stop somewhere." Mari says looking at the window. 'What does she mean she has to make a quick stop somewhere?' I thought to myself quietly.

"It's down there." I heard Mari say to the driver bringing me back into reality. "Alright!" the drive said bringing down the helicopter. While coming down I saw three girls on the beach.

"WATCH OUT! YOU'RE GONNA HIT THEM!" I yelled. The driver quickly pulls up and manages to pass the girls. I sigh and sit back down as the helicopter stops a few feet from the ground.

"Ciao, fellas!" Mari says to the girls as she opens the door. Then she winks at them while putting up a peace sign. "Who are you?" one of the girls ask.

"Get in and we'll explain everything to you." Mari says. The girls look at each other hesitantly and grab their bags and get in.

At school

"What? You're our new director?" said the orange haired girl. "Si! There's no need to be formal though. Skip all that director stuff and just call me Mari.". "Really?" said the gray haired girl. (A/N): (Sorry if it's wrong.)

"For sure! Who wants some tea?" Mari asked. "Excuse me, miss director ma'am?" the orange haired girl said before Mari cut her off. "Uh ah! It's Mari!" Mari said getting close to the girl. The girl jumped a little before speaking up, "O-okay, Mari?".

"Uh, why are you in a uniform?" the girl asked. This made Mari look down at her uniform. "Do I look weird or something? Or am I wearing it wrong? Is it the ribbon? Please tell me this is the right color!" Mari started to get closer to the girl again.

"Uh, aren't the new director?" the girl said. "That's correct, but I'm also a third-year student at this school. I'm pretty much the best in both worlds. Kind of like a surf and turf meal!" Mari says to the girls.

"I don't understand what you're saying." said the red haired girl. "Is it not obvious to you!" Mari said now getting close to the other girl. "No because you're uttering complete nonsense!" said a girl with raven hair. "When did she get here?" said the gray haired girl.

Mari quickly got off from the floor and started hugging the raven-haired girl. "Omg, Dia! I haven't seen you in forever! Looks like you've grown a few inches." Mari said still hugging and now pat the girl's head whose name is Dia. "Please keep your hands to yourself." said Dia. 'Why does she look so familiar?!' I thought.

"I guess some things never change though." Mari said grabbing Dia's breast. "Stop fondling me! Pervert!" Dia said. "It's joke!". I sigh, 'She's so childish.'.

"Anyways, welcome back Mari." Dia said. They start laughing. "It's good to be back, but I'm not the only one who came back." Mari says. "(Y/N)-cchi is back too." Mari says pointing at me.

Dia turns around and looks at me. She stares at me for a minute or two then speaks up. "(Y/N), you look so much different since our first year.". "I know right! Isn't she so cute?" Mari says while walking over to me to pinch my cheek. "Stop that! And I'm not cute!" I say hitting her hand away.

"That's not what your fans say!" Mari exclaims giving me her cat grin. "Fans?" the other girls say in unison. "Yup! You see here during our time abroad, (N/N)-cchi here wrote and sang songs!". "And everything was fine, until someone! Decided to post a video of me!" I said slightly pissed.

"After that (N/N)-cchi became popular and it's all because of me!" Mari said putting up peace signs. I grabbed Mari by her ribbon and slightly pulled her down to my height. "I never asked for this!" I yelled at Mari.

I start to yell at Mari, while Dia and the other girls tried to calm me down. But, I continued and ignored them. Until we heard the door open and a voice speaks up.

"What's going on in here?" the voice. The voice opened the door all the way, and reveal a girl with blue hair and violet eyes. Everyone just stood there staring at the girl until Mari spoke up.

"Kanan!" Mari says hugging the girl whose name is Kanan. 'She looks familiar too...'. Kanan smiles and looks at Mari. "Welcome back Mari.". "And you to (N/N)..." Kanan says. She holds out arm openly. I look at and then memories start coming back to me.


Onee-chan and I were walking through the garden when we heard voices by the fountain.

"Onee-chan, I hear something from the fountain. I'm scared..." little (Y/N) says pulling on Mari's selve.

It was summer and Mari just turned 6 while (Y/N) was still 5. "It's fine, I'm here with you!" Mari said patting (Y/n)'s head.

They both walk over to the fountain with (Y/N) behind Mari. They both see two small figures hiding behind the fountain.

They walk up closer and heard one of the voices speak, "Is this a good idea?". "What are you doing?" Mari asks. The two figures come out to reveal two girls.

One girl with blue hair stands up and puts her hands in the air. " I want a hug.." the girl says smiling.


I started tearing up and jump into Kanan's arms. Dia walks over to us and join the hug.

"I...I remember now..." I said burying my face into Kanan's uniform. "We're glad you did." Kanan and Dia say smiling.

(A/N): Hope you enjoy the chapter. This was kinda of rushed since my mom's birthday was tomorrow.
Edit: 1081.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2019 ⏰

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