390 31 16

Damn, I fall asleep. Sorry hahaha. 

"So, which one you prefer best? The black one or the white one?" We are in the electronic department choosing a brand new headset for someone because today it is his birthday. Yes, I am ditching my class, I mean it just introduction to industrial engineering and my presence is still higher than 70%, it will be fine. Besides I still have Khaofang and Kratai, they note a lot.

"I prefer to kill you and buried you on the darkest forest."

"Come on Sin. I'll treat you after this, what do you want? A pizza, ice cream, movie, or Starbucks? Caramel Macchiato with an extra shot of espresso, right?" But he only giggles in devilish tone.

"You barely know him, even less than a half year but you already give him like 200 bucks cos of a headset while me, I know you since you still peeing on your pants and all I got is a cup of coffee? Shame on you."

"Hey. Why do you make it sounds like a big deal?"

"Pft seriously Dae? How come I am not making it into? You even haven't given me anything or even saying any birthday greets and wish."

"Well about that..."


"Fine. Am I too..."

"Too obvious? Too fanatic, unfair and favoritism? Too dumb to realize? Yes, you are." He stops and sighs.

"But I rather seeing you like this. You are carefree and at least you have a purpose of life than seeing you in a bunker hiding from this cruel yet artsy world." I smile shyly.

"I rather not to choose both of them, but that black one with a list of cobalt blue. It looks sick."

"Don't even try to thank me. I hate you being that soft." We laugh.

"No. I really mean it. Thank you, Sin."

"Yuck. But yeah I know you can't live without me, so yeah my pleasure." He loves to get a compliment.

I choose what Sin suggest me and ask the clerk to pack and wrap it into a present. Next thing to do is to buy this beloved friend of mine who comes from hell, a beverage, or he will be sulking and bring this up all over a year.

"Do you want me to take you back to your dorm or what?"

"How can you take me back to my dorm? OMG don't tell me your dad finally allowing you to bring a car?"

"Yeah kinda."

"Can you see the street?"

"WTF, are you mocking me? I am not that short you moron."

"Just making sure Sin. I just don't want any accident."

We go to the parking lot and drive to our dorm using Sin's car. It is elegant and I can bet it is new. You can still smell a brand new car fragrant inside his car. This is what friend used for, right? To borrow his car.

"I really appreciate your help Sin. Especially that car of yours and skipping your class."

"Nah, don't mention it. But and only but. My gifts should be better than him, or I'll make sure that this car will end up your shitty imagination."

"You wish." I'll watch his car leaving my dorm. I'll take a look back at my shopping bag.

"I am sure he'll like it." He still has hazing gathering and he said it will be done at four. I have one more hour for bathing. I'll head upstairs.

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