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Hey there. Still enjoying this book? So how was the previous 25 chapter? Is it good or it is bad? Did you hate Tew already or did you find him interesting or you hate me instead? Well that what was happening, you can love and hate at the same time.

You might notice that my first semester in Industrial engineering is not that easy, or you can say that I have a tough week and month. Nobody says engineering was easy, but no one ever said it would be this hard. Thanks to Khaofang and Kratai who are willing to be patient at my act especially P'Kong, he is the best brother you want to have, trust me, he knows how to take care another junior, how to take care a person like me. If they weren't there I think I would be at the other university.

"Here is your chamomile tea. Please enjoy." The waitress brings me my drink.

"Thank you khrub P'." I give her a warm smile.

"Did you came here alone, kha?"

"Khrub P'." She might know me because I came here often. She then leaves without asking any further why is that, because I need days to explain that.

Well if you are wondering where I am now, here I am at Spasso café sitting at the same spot wherever I came here from the first time I really came here with that man. Spasso café is a mixture of modern and back to nature theme café, I know you'll love this place, I want to take you her so bad. Oh, I almost forget, I want to spoiler you a bit. This café, especially this table, will be the witness what will happen in the next few months, a year maybe. You already know, that this café is the place where I have my lips get wipe by someone thumbs for the first time, and the worst part is I kinda get used to it now.

Oh by the way, did you have finished your coffee and sandwich? If you have finished it, I suggest you buy another bitter coffee, because in the next few chapters will be too sweet. I know I can't assure you that but just thinking about that make me giggles and laugh at how dumb I am. The next few chapters will be the stupidest thing of my life. The next few chapters will... did I spoil you too much? Or did you need any teaser trailer? Naah, I just let you read it by yourself na...

It all started when I came back to my room from Spasso café that day.


I was so confused and drained by his action. Did he just improvise himself? Did he do that on purpose to turn me down in front of my friend? Or did he mock me? Tell me, what should I have to feel at that? Should I just feel normal, or embarrassed because it was in public? Or I should feel blessed because he just swipes the Bolognese sauce stain on my lips in order to reduce using a tissue? Argh... too much thinking. Since the day he wrote down his signature on my book, my life became confusing every second. I have to think from now and then. This is so not me. Where is me? Where did you hide my old Dae?

*knock, knock, knock*

Now what? Why people have to come to me when I am at this state? Don't this universe know that I need a little piece of my mind? Can't the world be pity at my situation and let me rest a bit for at least five minutes of my precious life? Can't I?

*Knock, knock, knock*

"There is no one here..." Shit, stupid me. I shouldn't say to make people know I wasn't there.

"I mean wait a second..." I try to get to the door to shoo the person who dares to knock at this ungodly hour.

"Anything you want from.... Shiaa P'Kong?" I made two mistakes at the same time. First I shout P'Kong in front of his face, the second I shout a curse word. I shut my door right away because my hair is a mess and my face is no better.

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