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 I want to update in the morning but I have substituted class. So here, enjoy :))

Today supposed to be break day from thinking. Thinking about school, thinking about engineering, including thinking about what is really going on with me. But the heaven is never on my side, here I am hitting my head on the wall to let go everything inside my head.

"Even if I break this concrete wall, I will never break my problem." I sigh in defeat.

This Satan loophole will continue if I didn't get through this, not to mention there'll be a lot of agenda going on after midterm, interclass event, interclass support cheers, moon and star campus, and many other agenda. See? Being engineer is not only hard to get into it but also the struggle in it, and oh, don't forget about the thesis and research too.

I remember the best way to fight a monster is with a monster itself. The best way to break free from a demon's hell is with the king of the underworld. The other descendant of Lucifer I know is none other than my very lovely asshole friend, Sin. Even his name is a sin. It has been a long time since I met that ugly face of him.

I try to make a free call but he didn't pick up. I know he never be that busy. I try to make another attempt and he picks right away.

"Sixty seconds to tell me about the shittiest reason why you call me."

"1... 2..."

"Hey come on, I really need your help you know. I am on the dead end."


"Wow what?"

"Just wow, how you contact me when you needed me only. I told you before, I am not a single use rubber that you use for fun then throw me away. I am a stainless straw that saves many sea creatures from a savage human being, like you." I am speechless. Too many harsh words but I admit the metaphor he used is quite awesome, he should be go-green ambassador despite being such a dork doctor.

"Okay fine you won. I need you like really need you now. Name the price and I will obey it."

"I AM NOT A MAN WHORE LIKE YOU. I am an honored person, a high-class guy who have etiquette. Remember I have royal bloodline running through my vein." Yeah, yeah, he once told me that he still has that Chinese Emperor blood.

"Your word and your Chinese royal blood etiquette are not even close to a match. Meet me at Siam Square this noon sharp. I'll pay."

"Now we are talking. I love you, my friend." Yuck, he even dares to say that after he curses me that way. I am 100% sure his brain is malfunctioning.

I take a shower and put up some clothes. I don't have to dress up that formal, I only have an errand with a creature from hell. I take my iPhone, wallet and locked my room.

The other thing I hate from that sharp mouth of Sin is his behavior of being late. We already agreed before to meet me at noon, now it already half to one and his shadow is nowhere to be seen. I dial his number and no answer. Patient is the only solution to face this man.

Ten more minutes passed and there he is walking from the crowd through me. What is his excuse now?

"What? Don't give me that look. You say noon sharp, this is my noontime." He is slippery like an eel, he always succeeds in making an excuse.

I rolled my eyes.

"Don't ever give me that rolling eyes."

I give him another rolling eye.

"That's the last straw. I am going home right now."

"Fine, I am about to treat you Sbux since it has to buy one get one free promo for all size. Bye, see you then." He stops from going away.

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