Chapter 15: Undercover Mastermines

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I'm left stund, I don't answer to her at all trying to wrap my head around everything. Her scent is a lot stronger since she's my mate so I try to follow it, but it leads me in so many different ways. I can easily tell that she comes here a lot. I go down one way and it leads me to the edge of a cliff. I follow the scent a different way and it leads me back to the den.

I groan in anger and punch a tree. The entire tree shakes and starts leaning the direction I punched it. I try to mate link Violet- Cassy again but she shut me out. Suddenly her scent gets stronger as if she is next to me. I look around frantically for her. I hear a howl in the distance but it's directed to one person any other wolf can't translate it unless its howling to that person.

"Cassy?" I say as I keep looking around her scent goes toward the Second Country so I follow in. I shift and run in my wolf to keep up with her, but she's fast. I hear another howl and some barking. I ran to the hole in the Second Country, there is no way I can fit in there. I listen for hummings as I shift I squeeze threw gaining a fell scratches, but I heal instantly.

I shift back into my large black wolf and race after her scent. I am sure she is the one howling though. I crept up behind a bush in the forest as I spy a small pup with silver fur on it's entire body. I watch as is it nuzzle up to Cassy's little brother Matt. They talk secretly, I think the pup is a girl and shes Matt's friend.

The wind blows my way and Cassy's intoxicating scent washes over me. I don't think it's Matt even though he was coated in her scent, but it's been awhile since she's been near him. The wolf sniffs the air, turns to the woods, then barks. Matt hugs her then runs back to join his new pack.

She stands up with her hair standing like wolves do when they are trying to look bigger. She grows at me a snarls. Cassy's scent is still here so no way it could've been Matt. I walk out of the woods growling back at the pup.

"What's your name pup?" I growl at her then it hits me when I look at her eyes. Her big doe eyes with electrifying violet shining with hurt and anger. She turns her head left to make sure Matt wasn't there and when she does I see the same Loner Tattoo Cassy had.

"You need to leave me alone mister or- or I'll call my daddy!" She growls back to me in a kid voice. Cassy is a smart girl, that sounds like something she would do trying to trick me.

"Your dad is dead Cassy!" The silver wolf howls and a light brown medium wolf comes charging forward.

"I warned you mister!" She whines while turning her head. I thought for a minute how can this be possible her dad's dead then it clicked. Cassy turned around and whimpered to the wolf after she whimpered to me. The boy must be Matt!

"Matt I don't want you to get hurt this is between your sister and I." I howled allowing Cassy to hear. Cassy turned around to Matt and howled to him.

"Fine but if you harm my sister you are as good as dead." Matt warned me in a howl. I turned back to Cassy, how can her brother's wolf be stronger than hers? When I turned back to her she was gone. Matt tricked me to look at him while Cassy used her incredible speed to escape.

I knew these two were smart but I didn't know they were undercover masterminds!

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