Chapter 3: Cornelius Stone

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 "Enzo!" My father yelled to me from his giant office on floor two.

"Yes father?" I asked walking down the steps to his office.

"You have another person to kill this week my boy," father said not even looking up to see if I entered the room. I stood there waiting for the details in my uniform.

"Alpha King Gavin!" My father's first man Beta came running into the room in his uniform.

"What is it now?" Father grumbled and slouched into his chair.

"Alpha Marek said to tell you that Luna Queen Ella is on her way to your pack. She told him to tell you. Alpha King Sir." Eric stood with his hands at his sides like one of the soldiers would do.

"I see, send a message to the pack telling them to treat there Luna with respect." Father said and waved Eric off.

"Son I need you to arrest Cornelius Stone for arsonist in Pack 14, he killed a dozen children and burned the Luna and Alpha and killed the Beta. He is a 6'4 male with dirty blond hair. This is his file and picture." Father tossed the file on the front of his desk as he stood up.

"I understand father, I can track and arrest him by the end of today with no problem." I said with confidence and straightened up.

"Excellent! Get on it," father walked to the window and looked out. "Your dismissed child," as he said those words I walked to my room. My father is the King of Wolves and my mother the Queen of Wolves. I am the Prince of Wolves soon-to-be King of Wolves when my father dies or retires and when I find my mate.

Since my father has so much to do I don't get time with him, nor my mother. So my way of spending time with them is making them proud by doing the missions they send me on. I inherited my father's good looks and my mothers bright blue eyes. I stick the knife in my back pocket and a pair of handcuffs on my left hand side. I stick a gun on my right hand side, and I fasten my belt around my waist.

"Father I am going our sir," I as I walk down the steps past his office. I traveled to the first floor and out the door. I ran a hand threw my dark brown hair and I walked outside. It said in the file Mr. Stone was last seen stealing from Pack 17 on the east wing of the Second Country. I got in my car and drove to the coordination.


I parked my car and walked into the muddy area as I found footprints, I marched through the mud in my black combat boots. After the footsteps stop I found a bread trail, literally there were bread crumbs all the way to a worn shed. I kicked the door in and found Mr. Stone curled up in the corner.

"Prince Enzo, I mean you know harm, but if you don't leave I'll tear you to shreds." Cornelius Stone laughs as he jumped to his feet ready to transform.

"Cornelius I can give you two options, you hand yourself over willingly or I can enforce the Seven Deadly Rules and make you give yourself in." I Get ready to transform like he did. His reaction to my warning was turning into a large chocolate brown wolf.

"Option two it is," I transform into my larger ink black wolf. My wolf was way bigger than his stating that I was way over his league and that he was a pup to me, even if he was thirty years older than me. Our wolves circed each other snarling, I waited for him to make the first move. He nipped at my side and I snapped at his jugular vein in his neck. The chocolate wolf before me spattered to the ground in agony. I had a strong metallic taste in my mouth while he transformed to heal himself like all wolves could. I transformed and snapped the handcuffs on his hands without much of a fight.

"Lets go Cornelius," I dragged his bloody butt out of the old shed and threw him in the back of my car. I got in and turned around to him before driving off.

"Try not to bleed on my leather seats, thank you," I said to him sarcastically. 

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