Chapter 7: Matty?

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I shifted in front of her, why couldn't she have just dealt with them instead of waking me up? I looked at her hand and was my gun, I ripped my gun from her hand and stormed into the warehouse. I heard her feet as she stormed.

"You told me if there was danger wake you up! If I was tired were you going to get all mad!" She screamed at me with anger in her beautiful electrifying violet eyes. I turned around and snarled at her while baring my canines at her.

"You want to get all mad at me? Then you can find your own way to the safe haven!" She screamed at me once more then ran out of the warehouse without making a single sound. I turn to were my backpack was and saw a small pool of blood from her puncture wound.

"Violet!" I screamed running out of the warehouse. I looked everywhere, but she was gone. It was like she was never here, she knew exactly how to mask her scent and how to make it seem like she was never here.

I spent hours just running around the rundown warehouse and I looked for anything to track that said where she went. I actually thought I had just imagined her ever being here, but then I saw the blood and the metal sharde and remembered. I slid down the wall with my head in my hands and groaned. How could I be so stupid? This strange girl would have led me straight to Cassy Nixton!


After awhile I sat down and decided to check town and see if she was around anywhere. I saw a few people with short blond hair, but they weren't her nor as pretty as her. I looked around until I found her familiar scent coated on a small boy with light brown hair and hazel eyes. He seemed to be scared with a tear streaked face.

"Hey you," I said walking up to him, "do you know a girl called Violet? She has the most beautiful electrifying violet eyes, short bleach blond hair, she is about 5'1. Have you seen her?" I ask the boy whose eyes were boring straight into my soul. I could see the gears turning in his head as he wiped his cheeks.

"I don't know who that girl is, but nobody in the Second Country has ever heard of such a person. If you look around you will see the most common eye color his hazel, blue, and brown. Most people don't even have bleach blond hair unless they are albino, and there skin is striped of it's pigmint." He glared at me, he looked about fifteen but my wolf side knew he was only thirteen because he is knew at transforming.

"Look kid I didn't ask for excuse I asked if you know what girl I am talking about." I glared into his eyes.

"I don't know the girl," he turned away from me.

"Why are you coated his her scent then?" I ask my anger trying to take over.

"She must go to the same place I do sometimes, we might have missed each other. I have a question for you though," a smirk entered his face. I turned away from the boy as I started walking away, but his words stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Why do you care about this girl so much if you yelled at her for waking you up?" I spun around and slapped the boys face, anger shot through my fingertips as my hand made contact.

"Matty I'm back-" an angelic voice sounded behind me. I picked up her scent quickly as I smelled her behind me. The boy pushed past me with tears welling in his eyes.

"Violet! The ugly man hit me!" He yelled Violet stuck her hands over his ears gently as she looked at his swollen cheek. She stood up with anger rolling off her. I saw her wolf in her eyes as she turned to me and pushed the boy behind her. She got is a defense pose ready to shift, she pulled her knife out of her back pocket and faced me.

"Violet," the boy ran his hand over her wound as if reminding her she couldn't shift. She whimpered and face the boy with sad eyes.

"I told you to stay put," she whispered the rest in his ears really low where my ears couldn't pick it up.

"Sorry," he did the same to her, she then turned and faced me.

"If you ever lay a hand on Matty again Jax I will not worry to slice your head off. She stuck her open knife in her back pocket and took the boys hand. 

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