Chapter 1: James Nixon

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*Thirteen Years Ago*

I was in our house with my newborn brother and my mummy. Daddy was on his way here when wolves came running into our one story house. Mummy picked me up and hid me in the closet with Matty, I had never seen her move so fast. I heard her screams echoed through the house and I knew if I said anything, even cried, the wolves would smell and hear us.

The covers masked our sent and when my dad came home he hit his knees at the horrifying sight. That was the first time I'd ever seen him cry, and I was only five. Poor Matty wouldn't have any memories of mummy.

That night dad told me we needed to leave, he told me what the Dead Eyes were planning to do. He told me he would never keep anything from me, and he would never lie to me. I became close to my dad. He taught me how to fight and how to catch food. He taught me to be sneaky, pick locks, and to stop bombs. He taught me to hunt and he was there when I first transformed into my silver wolf.

My dad was a professional at stopping bombs from going off, he was the sneakiest person the world had come to know. Everyone thought he was setting off bombs, because he couldn't always stop them. The First and Second Countries wanted him dead. To them it was just easier to blame him than to find the real problem in the Third Country.

When I was thirteen and boy with dark brown hair and icy blue eyes held a gun, that his father gave him. He held it at James Nixon's temple and pulled the trigger. I gathered Matty and ran, I ran for Matty and for my life. I only cried when I was sure Matty was asleep. Matty cried all day until he couldn't cry no more. I started hiding Matty while I went and tried to save the unworthy First and Second Counties. 

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