Chapter 10: Loner Wolf

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We get to the hole after the sun sets and the moon is shining bright into the night sky.

"Here it is," I say.

"Violet there is no way I am going to fit through there and it is really dark," he says while sighing. I looked him up and down actually noticing for the first time that he it not as skinny and deprived of food like me.

"Hm, you'll fit though you might get a few scratches." I say as I slide through easily, then I slide back through.

"Violet can we go through in the morning when we can actually see what we're doing." He huffs in boredom.

"No, we have less than five minutes to go through before the electricity turned back on and we won't get another chance because guards swarm all the way around the wall at morning." I say thinking.

"I can try but I know I won't be able to fit." I push him through the hole, he gets stuck a little. After I kick him gently but with force though he slides right through. I slide in next to him right before the humming of electricity starts.

"See told you would fit!" I say cheerfully.

"Yeah after you kicked my butt!" He groans.

"Oh, you heal quickly. Come on we need to go this way into the forest." I say as I quietly run without a sound.

"How do you do that?" Jax asks as he caught up to me.

"How do I do what?" I ask as we run.

"How do you run without making footprints and sound?" He details his question.

"Years of practice with my dad, he was amazing!" I say with a yawn at the end.

"Can we stop here for the night?" He asks putting his hands on his knees.

"Just a second ago you were fine?" I yawn again without realizing it.

"I know it's just I am really tired," he sits down against a tree.

"I guess if your really that tired," I sit beside him.

"Good I'll take first watch," he said quickly before I could say the same thing.

"What? Your the one tired though?" I asked with confusion.

"Yeah but your the one with dark circles under your eyes from lack of sleep." He says looking at me.

"No I don't!" I say standing up.

"Yes you do besides, you took first watch its my turn now," Jax pulls me don't besides him.

"I don't know my adrenaline is still-"

"Violet just go to sleep, I'll protect you and wake you up if something happens." He said as he forced me to lay my head down on his leg. I didn't really realize how tired I was until I closed my eyes. Next thing I knew I was going deep into sleep.


I hear rumbling as I wake up, I'm a very light sleeper. I look at the sky and notice that it's day time. I look around looking for my missing friend. I spotted a campfire and instinctively stomp on it for it to go out.

"Violet what are you doing?" Jax yells as he runs up to me. I hold my pointer finger to my lips signalling him to be quiet.

"Do you hear that?" I ask as I look around after I drew my knife.

"Hear what?" He whispers back to me, I move my head when I hear a stick snap.

"Show yourself!" I yelled as I hear the footsteps stop at my words.

"Fine!" The man shouts.

"What do you want?" I ask as my eye catchs tattoo on his ankle. "Jax he is one of them I whisper."

"I smelled the fire and thought you had food." The man said sheepishly.

"Then what is in your backpack?" I asked willing my voice to hold strength.

"None of your beeswax kid!" The man yelled over defensively.

"It is if you plan on throwing a bomb!" I yell, the man's face turns pale. Jax shifts and I ready my knife as I saw the backpack off the man's shoulders. I rip the bomb out of the backpack. It had five minutes till it exploded with one lock. I pulled out my bobby pins and unlocked it I then took my knife and cut the blue wire. Jax had killed the wolf man and shifted back as he stood behind were I sat.

"Should we run?" He asked looking at me, but unable to see the bomb.

"Absolutely," I say as I close the bomb back up.

"Are we going to blow?" He asked because I didn't get up to run.

"No I deactivate the bomb like I do every time." I say as I get up and stuff the bobby pins into my pocket and my knife in my back pocket.

"Why do you risk your life doing that? You deactivating bombs?" He asked as he grabbed his backpack.

"It's the only way to keep the Second and First Country safe. If me and my dad didn't do this then all the wolves in the Third Country would of blew up the world by now. You see the Third Country is supposed to be for bad people, but most of the people here were just born here. So they are stuck packless, and are named the unwanted. I was born here, Matty was born here. Don't get me wrong there are still bad people here, but most of the bad people are sent to the P.P.C. and the rest of them die. Also when your on this side of the world you never find your mate so your life it just seems meaningless." I say as my last conversation about the imprinted with Matty replays in my head.

"So your telling me that guy back there was on his was to the Second Country to blow something up?" He asked.

"Pretty much he had the tattoo of the circle in the triangle with a line through it on his ankle telling everyone he was part of the Dead Eyes group of lone wolves. Meaning he's part of the war. See this," I pull my hair to the side to show him the right side of my neck.

"That is a tattoo called Loner Wolf my dad said it was rare to ever find that tattoo on someone from. It means that I'm one of the ones to stick up for lonely wolves and give them a voice. I don't know why it's a black wolf though. The last person who was born with this mark it was white and that was a few centuries ago." I let my hair and I start walking again.

"Let me get this straight there is a group of wolves that are trying to start World War Wolve III?" He asked curiously.

"Yep, hey I hear running water maybe we can catch some fish!" I say with a grin. I ran off in the direction of the water leaving Jax to his thoughts.

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