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I was still lying in my bed wide awake until my best friend who came running frantically.

"Juvia-chan, get up it's 8:30. You have to get ready."

She stopped abruptly when she saw me,

"Why are you still laying on the bed?"

I turned myself to avoid her question,

"Meredy-chan, please leave me alone."

Meredy came to sit next to me on the bed, gently patted my arm,

"Juvia-chan, why? What happened? Are you alright?"

I huffed and turned to face her with tears streaming down my eyes,

"Meredy-chan, I don't know what to do. Yesterday, I agreed to uncle but how can I get married when my dad just passed away 2 weeks back."

I got and buried my face in her lap,

"I don't whether this is right or wrong. I'm confused. Even that Gray-sama looks terrific. I'm scared."

Meredy gently ran her hand up and down on my back,

"Juvia-chan, don't be like this. I'm sure Uncle Rave will be happy for you.
Moreover, your Uncle Silver did say right, you are his responsibility that's why, he wants you to marry his son."

"But Meredy-chan, how will someone like him change under my influence?
I really doubt something must be cooking in his head, that's why, he has agreed to marry me after all those things happened to him." I finally told her my confusion.

"Don't worry, Juvia-chan. Nothing will happen, have faith and trust your uncle.
I believe this path has many good things in store for you. Trust me, you will lead a happy life from now.
Don't tell me even till now that thing is bothering you?" Meredy asked me.

I quickly got up realizing the matter which was talking about,

"No Meredy-chan, that is my past. Now let's forget about that. I really hope Gray-sama is someone who is compatible with me. Let's see if your words come true." I hugged her.

"I will miss you, Juvia-chan"

"Even I will miss you, Meredy-chan"

Just then, we heard the door bell,

"Looks like Mr.Julius has come to fetch us. You go and get ready. I will attend the door."

She patted my shoulders and left with a smile.


"Juvia-chan, are you ready?...."

Meredy walks in and stops in mid after looking at the attire I'm wearing.

"What's this Juvia-chan? You are getting married today. You shouldn't wear these long sleeved shirt and jeans.
At least, get out of your conservative thinking. See Uncle Silver has got you a white frock. Just wear this, it will look lovely on you." Meredy gave me the dress.

"But.....but...how can I wear this? I feel shy." I blushed.

I have never worn anything which made feel exposed because I don't like showing my skin.

"Oh not this again, Juvia-chan. You are wearing this, got it?" Meredy glared at me.

I had no other go, so agreed to this. After wearing the white frock, of course, she helped me. Then finished the final touch by giving a subtle makeup.

MY CONTRACTUAL WIFE (GRUVIA AU FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now