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"Man, this boy...how dare he just cut my call!! Well now he has agreed to marry her. Hope that girl can change him." I thought to myself.

I took my mobile to call her, "Hello dear, if you are free can we meet up?"

"Sure uncle, I'm free. Just now my final class for today got over. Where would you like me to come?"

"Why don't you come to my office? I will be waiting for you. Come soon." I said and cut the call after she kept the call.

After one hour, I heard the telephone ring on my table, "Sir, some girl has come to meet you. Can I send her in?" The receptionist asked me.

"Sure send her in." I kept the phone down.

"Julius, make sure no one disturbs me for half an hour, including my son. Now go." I ordered him.

As soon as he went, she enters my cabin.

"Good afternoon uncle, hope I'm not disturbing your busy schedule." She smiled at me.

"No dear, come sit down and make yourself comfortable." I called her to sit in the chairs in front of me.

"Listen dear, do you believe whatever decision I make regarding your life matter will be for your good?" I asked her opinion.

"Yes uncle, you are most important person after my dad. Now that even, he has left me all alone in this world. I don't know what to do. I do believe it's for my good." She wiped her tears.

"Good dear, I promised your dad when he was in the deathbed that you will be my responsibility and I will take care of you.
   So I decided this arrangement would do you only good and it's better for your life." I told her and I stood up.

"Yes, I know uncle. What do you want me to do?" She asked me.

I breathed in, then spoke, "Just marry my son. I know this is sudden but it's for your own good as well as for him."

Then I told her everything about Gray, his behavior, past and personality.

"But Uncle, I'm still in my final year of my course. How am I supposed to get married at this age? I'm only 20. Moreover, my dad just passed away 2 weeks back." She began to hesitate.

I went up to her and patted her shoulder, "Dear, 20 is a correct age to get married. Moreover, he would take care of you. I know your dad will be happy that his daughter is getting married.
   I know now he might not but soon under your influence, he will change. Please think about it."

She thought for few minutes, "Okay uncle, I will marry him. And I will change his harsh, cold behavior into friendly and warm one. So when is the marriage? Can I invite my best friend?" She asked me.

I smiled, "Tomorrow morning at 10. We will have a court marriage for you guys. Yeah, you can invite your bestfriend as you wish. Just get your national identity card along with you."

"Okay uncle, I got it. Now let me take a leave. Bye uncle." She got up to leave.

"Dear, please don't think I'm selfish in making you marry someone like my son. I'm sure he will change. Once he changes, he will take care of you. Please just don't give up on him." I asked her help in this.

"Sure uncle, just like I said, you are like my father. And your son will be my husband from tomorrow. He is my responsibility now." She assured me now and left.


"Hey Lyon, where the heck is that file now?" I yelled at him.

"Chill man, it's in your dad's cabin." He exasperated.

"Man, I don't want to see my dad now. I'm already angry on him due to his sudden unwanted arrangement. Why don't you move your lazy back over to his cabin and get it?"

I told him but he ignored and went back to sip his coffee to make me even more angry.

I soon got up and went to meet my dad. As I opened the door, someone opened the door from inside, only to meet a young blunette.

My eyes met her ocean blue orbs which I found it to be beautiful. Man, what am I thinking?

"Oh my bad, sorry sir." She said in a soft voice.

I remained stoic, "It's okay. Now move out of the way." I hissed and went past her. I could see she is much shorter than me.

As she was about to leave, my dad stopped her, "Juvia dear, just wait up."

He called her in which made me wonder but it was none of my business.

So I interrupted him, "Dad, where is the contract file of Fire Lance company?"

"Gray, listen this is much more important matter than that file." He stopped me.

"Juvia dear, meet my son, Gray. Your soon-to-be husband." He told her. Suddenly on my own accord, I looked around to face her. She wore a bright smile.

"Hello Gray-sama." She bowed and greeted me. I remained unmused and shrugged it off. But I wonder why did she call me Gray-sama.

"Gray, greet her back." My dad yelled at me.

"Hi" I just said without looking at her. From this she might know what kind of person I am. So that she can cancel this marriage.

"Juvia, dear. So be ready tomorrow. I will send Julius to pick you up. Got it?" He smiled and waved her a bye.

After she went, my dad yelled at me, "Gray, at least try to be nice to her."

"Dad, stop it. Just get me those files that's what I came for." I said in my casual tone.

"Son, you really need to change that behavior of yours. Hope this girl can achieve in doing so." He sighed and gave me those files.

After coming to my cabin, I couldn't stop thinking of what my dad said, "She is going to change me, huh!!! As if I will let her to associate with me.
    Need to show who really am I so that she learns that I'm not someone who is called the husband material." I thought to myself.

"Gray, I heard your wife came to visit you. Did she look beautiful? I even heard she is still a college student. Man, how lucky you are to get a young and hot girl." Lyon began to irritate me.

"Shut up. It's none of your business. Now get back to your work. Seriously, what does my dad thinks this girl can change me.  
   That's ridiculous, nobody can replace my Stella. Let's see what that girl can do." I smirked.

"What are you mumbling to yourself?" Lyon asked me.

"I'm thinking about my soon-to-be wife."

MY CONTRACTUAL WIFE (GRUVIA AU FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now