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As I was sitting in my cabin, my thoughts drifted towards the only concern of my life: Gray, my son.

Even though, he is 25 years old adult who has grown up strong enough to stand on his own feet. As a father, I'm still worried about my son's future.

Mika, my late wife who left us way too soon to join the heavenly abode where the angels resided.

Sometimes I think me calling her angel was the reason why the almighty decided to have her with them.

When Mika left Gray was hardly 5, he had to bear the loss of his mother at that tender age and grow up without the motherly love and affection.

I think that's the reason why his personality has being opposite of mine.

He always remains cold, tactless, and more importantly rude to anyone who tries to help him out.

I still wonder how he is able to remain casual and friendly with his friends with less of his usual temperament.

To add fuel to the fire, the girl who he has been dating died suddenly without any cause came as a big blow on his mental stability.

It was due to this girl, he tried to change himself which I saw as a positive trait but the unexpected news brought him back to his usual self once again.

"Sir Mr.Gray, has come to meet you?"

My secretary informed me making me snap out of the thoughts stream.

"Yeah, I called him so. Just let him in. You go to the accounts section and get the files from Mr.Robert."

I sent my secretary away so that I can talk personally with my boy.

He came inside my cabin wearing his usual frown on his face. Even though, my boy is handsome just like me but the frown on his face ruins his charms.

"Dad, why did you call me? I have lot of works to be done still." He hissed at me.

"Relax son. Just sit down, I need to talk with with you."

"I don't have time to talk casually with you. During this time, I could have purchased the share of the AGT motor company. Today the share market is in our favour. So I'm out of here." He began to walk away.

"GRAY.....STOP RIGHT THERE.." I yelled at him and got up from my seat.

"I said, I want to talk with you. I don't care if my company goes down the loss lane due to this thing. You matters are much more important than anything else. Got it!!"

"What is it, dad?" He turned around to face me.

"Why are you working like a manic? I know this is the age to earn and set up your career but it's also the age to enjoy your life and settle down just like your friends. Listen, are you dating anyone?" I asked him.

Gray remained stoic, "No I'm not interested nor ever going to date anyone. My heart belongs to my Stella not anyone else.
That's why I shush off all the slutty bitches who comes to me in the pretense of dating.
All those bitches have only one motive to squander off our wealth and fame." He hissed.

"But son, she is no more. Even you didn't attend her funeral nor you saw her dying before your eyes. Then why can't you move on?"

I slowed down my voice so that my words would carry the meaning.

"Dad, please don't talk about this stuff anymore. She is dead for you guys but she still lives inside my heart. That's enough for me to lead the rest of my life.
Now my goal is to make this company reach the top position and become the CEO of it." Gray was determined in his decision.

I breathed in, "Well Gray, you could be a CEO of this company even now with just a single signature of mine. But I want you do something without turning it down at the last moment."

Gray thought for a minute, "Fine, what could you make me do anyways?" He asked me.

"You will get married tomorrow, that's my final decision. Now don't back off from it." I said to him and sent him back to his cabin.


As soon as I came from my dad's cabin, I removed my tie due to frustration and stormed into my cabin.

"What does he think of himself? What if he is my dad, he doesn't have the right to make decisions for himself on my personal matters." I kicked the chair to let out my anger.

When I calmed down a bit, my secretary Lyon, who also happens to be my cousin came in.

"Wow chill man, what's with this raging attitude? Who said what?"

He asked and got me a glass of cold water.

I told him everything what my dad said to me. Lyon thought for a while, "Well why don't you listen to him for once? Didn't uncle say get married and the company is yours, that's what your goal is right. Then go for it."

"Idiot, it also means I have get married to girl and lead a happy life." I yelled at him.

"Yeah, you have to marry a girl. Or else have your interests taken a turn from females to males, huh!!" He laughed making me irritated.

I smacked him on his head for teasing me, "See I get your point but I'm not interested in having a happy life, after my Stella has gonna. So I don't want to ruin that other girl's dream of having a perfect happy life."

"Then make her sign a contract stating that she will be your wife only for a year then you will divorce her. Just for a year, you act as a happy married couples so that uncle believes it.
Basically, it's like kill two birds with a stone. You get want you want at the same time, even that girl won't stay in your life forever." He said so casually and went to do his work.

I thought for millions times and all the possible ways to get out of this mess but Lyon's idea was the only thing which could be near the possibility.

I called my dad, "Dad, I agree to marry her."

"We will register your marriage in the court. No need of any ceremony as her......"

I cut the call not interested in hearing anything related to that girl.

'Who ever you are? From tomorrow, welcome to living hell.' I thought for myself and focused my attention on the monitor.

MY CONTRACTUAL WIFE (GRUVIA AU FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now