Chapter Three

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Trinity woke up around 6 o'clock on top of Jordan wrapped in his arms as she laid their reminiscing on how things use to be with him... the good and the bad which no longer will be happening after today. She removed her self from his arms which was a struggle and handle her hygiene. After that was finished she grabbed her LV SuitCases and started packing her clothes but left another outfit out so she can change after dinner. She packed all of her shoes, clothes, jewelry, pictures everything she had in this house for the last 3 years by the time everything was packed it was going on 8am. She went in the kitchen in hello kitty pajama shorts, hello kitty spaghetti strap shirt and her house booties and her hair in a pony tail still straight from yesterday. She prepared breakfast for Jordan and her she cooked pancakes, chocolate chip pancakes for him, sausage links, scrambled eggs, bacon and put orange juice out for him and pineapple, orange, banana juice for her. As soon as his plate was on the table she heard him coming downstairs .

Jordan was finally able to spend some time with his fiancé even though when he woke up she wasn't there he smelled food from downstairs he missed having homemade meals even though Trinity always cook he's just never home.

" Good Morning Beautiful " he said going up to give her kiss, but she turned her head so it landed on her cheek he knew she was up because of yesterday and had to find away to make it up to her .

" Trin don't be like that " Jordan attempted to give her a hug but she pushed him back so he knew it was time for him to go take a seat she hasn't even said a word to him and Trin loves talking so he know he fucked up . After they said grace he was going to attempt to talk to her again . " uhm baby about last night I'm sorry I got caught up with wor- " he started that lie but didn't even get a chance to finish it because Trinity cut him write off stabbing her knife in her pancake and dropping her fork on the table making the glass table vibrate.

" you know what Jordan ima say what I have to say and I don't want any fucking interruptions understood? "

he shook his hand slowly swallowing the orange juice he hand in his mouth slowly. He could see the hate and hurt in Trinity eyes and it made him scared because he know what Trinity is capable of ....

" I'm tired of you using work as a fucking excuse of you not be homing for the past year. I'm stupid Jordan I know exactly what the fuck you doing I been here for you for the past 3 years and the other 2 when we were just friends. You apologize about the same thing so many times! How many times you going to apologize and not change? I changed myself because, I thought it was me! I quit my job for you because you wanted me to be a Housewife! I put my dreams on hold I wanted a baby and you said we could have one but ten you didn't want one anymore! I was so blind to realize all the shit you put me through, I thought it was me. I thought I did something that made you not to want to have a child with me anymore but you say " no baby it's just getting hectic around the office " but guess what Jordan ! Guess what ! " Trinity starts to laugh gripping her cup of juice in her hand so hard that her hand is turning red. Jordan sat across from her afraid to speak, she said don't interrupt her and that's exactly what he was gone do.

" ooohh baby Jasmine Amary Carter hmm... ring a bell anywhere baby? "

he nearly shitted his pants hearing her name come out of Trinity's mouth. A million question ran through his hand trying to figure out how she found out he was careful for her not to find out . He didn't want to lose her and he believes he's officially lost her.

" my sister Jordan ? her out of all people this exactly how I know I can't trust none of y'all and it's cool you want her to be the only person carrying your children and good that she's your girl that y'all have the little family you always supposedly wanted with me. That you would leave me for her but she doesn't compete with me she's no where near me. She doesn't do housework, never had a job, she's evil and your going to find out the hard way. Jordan remember these words that are coming out my mouth okay? I AM LEAVING YOU ! " Trinity refused to cry in front of him again she got out the chair and went into her now old room and grabbed her jeans plane purple top and Rugrat KDs. Jordan ran in the room trying to talk to her " Trin baby please don't leave me . I know I know I fucked up but please I'll change I know I was suppose to awhile ago but I mean it Trin there ain't no other woman that can take your spot I only want you I swear I only want you. " Jrodan was officially crying but it didn't affect Trinity on the outside, on the inside she just wanted to cry and tell him she loved him but she couldn't she knows that would make him just think he can run over all the time.

Looking around the room Jordan could see all of her things gone, the room looked empty. While looking around Trinity started talking again she was calm but her voice was cracking " why? why did you do this to me ? I put my

life on hold for you, I was there for you, I cooked for you, I loved you, I tried to be the ride or die type for you but you promised me to never hurt me and I promised to never leave you if you didn't hurt me but you did. so I'm leaving, good knowing you Jordan and we'll be fine on our own ! "

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