Chapter 9: Píso̱ sti̱n epifáneia tou kósmou

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Author's Note: Ok! Yay! Next chapter. Just saying: Pay attention in science. Biology make zero to no sense. Keep up being awesome my readers! AND PLEASE COMMENT!!!!! <3

Annabeth had never ridden Blackjack alone, but she could see how Percy loved it so much. The freedom felt incredible, but the only downside was the fact they were up so high. Her mission now was to find Evangeline Arkanian, Percy had asked her, practically begging. He had informed her that some of the Avengers had already gone out, and to be especially wary, but Annabeth was a daughter of Athena. Nothing was going to go wrong.


“C’mon! Where could they be? A girl riding a huge dragon should not be this hard to find!”


Blackjack reared up and gave out an alarming cry, making Annabeth stumble a bit. Below them was the Hudson River. She had been here before during the last Titan War, but this time, Thor and the one known as Hawkeye aiding their friend Tony Stark near the edge of the water. Oh no.

The black pegasus dove down and touched down next to the men. “What in Hades happened here?”


Thor gazed gravely at his friend then back to her, “The Lady Evangeline, we tried to have Tony Stark grab her, but she struck him with lightning, and fell into the river.”


“He’s alive, but keeps falling in and out of consciousness.” Clint Barton reported.


Blackjacked bucked in frustration. Annabeth could not speak horse, although, with Percy’s help, she had an idea of whatever a horse might say. “I agree, Blackjack. What about Evangeline? Did she surface?”


Thor’s look of guilt confirmed her fear. “You idiots! Tony can take care of himself! She might be dead now!” Annabeth turned to the water. It took a while, but she managed to form a fine mist, took out a drachma, and prayed a silent prayer to the goddess of rainbows. Instantly Percy’s image appeared. “GODS! Oh, Annabeth, it’s you. Whats wrong?”


Annabeth had to hold in a laugh, her boyfriend was in the middle of lunch, and his face was certainly priceless. “Evangeline fell into the river. I’m sorry, but I need your help.”


Percy furrowed his brows. “They’re with you.” He gestured to the few Avengers present. “Dammit. Okay. I’ll be at the Hudson in a few minutes. Nico should help me shadow travel. Uh...Love you.”


The image disappeared and Annabeth was left with the three Avengers. It really was a matter of a few seconds before he arrived with Nico Di Angelo. The grumpy son of Hades did not seem happy about having to use his powers so early in the morning until Annabeth smiled and thanked him for his generosity. She explained Evangeline’s deathly predicament and PEercy agreed to swim down to see if perhaps by some miracle, Dragon Girl had survived.

“If I don’t come up within an hour, have Tyson come.” He said removing his blue windbreaker.


She gave him a quick peck on the lips, ignoring a cat call from a now awake Tony Stark. Annabeth stood back as she watched her green eyed hero plunge into the Hudson.

Masked Mercenary: A Percy Jackson and Avengers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now