Chapter 6: Epistrofí̱ tou prínkipa págou

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Author's note: This took a bit, but here it is! Yay! Thank you guys for reading! I couldn't have this post out for a while, but thanks for your patience!!! <3

Thor sat stunned as the window shattered, spraying his new friend with glass shards. Jumping inside the helicarrier was a creature he knew only too well. A Frost giant. “THOR!” Evangeline yelled. He struggled with his seatbelt as the girl drew her blade, and sliced through the strap that bound him to his seat. The giant advanced, and with one swing whacked Evangeline through a wall off the aircraft. “NO!” She screamed, trying desperately to grasp onto something.

“Lady Evangeline!” Thor cried. The gust of wind blasting in from the outside was fierce. But right now, the girl was falling several thousand feet in the sky. Without hesitating any longer, Thor tackled the frost giant out the same gap through which Evangeline had exited. The pair shot straight down, making it hard for the burly blonde to focus on his target.

Seeing that he was going nowhere with holding onto the frosty blue alien, Thor let go, and dove down scanning the dark night sky for Evangeline. To begin with, the girl had been falling for minutes, and on top of that the sky was moist and dark as ink and breathing was a struggle. Thor felt like he was sucking in charcoal.

  “Lady Evangeline! Where are you? Show me a sign!” He cried.

From about fourteen yards down a spark of electricity appeared. Thor straightened his form and plummeted further. When he was level with Evangeline, she clasped her arms around the god’s neck. “Holy shit! I should’ve hit that monster straight out!”

“Are you okay?!” Thor yelled over the wind.

“Yeah, I might have fractured a rib, but Leo has some ambrosia… Wait! How are we going to get back up!?”

Thor panicked for a second, but realized his hammer still lay on the helicopter floor. He thrust out his strong arm, and nothing happened. “What the hell are you doing?! We’re gonna be flat soon!”


Evangeline shuddered. The pure power of Mjolnir, was enough to make even a fierce marauder like her flinch. Thor smiled. With his hammer within his grasp, he soared upwards to the aircraft. Despite Thor’s strong body, Evangeline had him in a death grip. She was scared. How could a girl that rode a wyvern be afraid?

“Milady, you can open your eyes.” Thor said when they set foot back onto their ship.




Evangeline separated shakily from Thor, glad to feel the safety of stable flooring. Unfortunately, Nick Fury was in a rage. “This damn thing was just refurbished! What in the name of heaven happened!?”

Thor was obviously bewildered by the whole series of events, so she decided to answer for him. “Frost giants, sir. Only one who attacked. He came through the window, and knocked me off. If it wasn’t for his highness, I would be a pancake right now….”

Nick was trying desperately not to yell at her, and his soft side won over. “Go to the infirmary, I can see your rib is fractured. Go.”

Evangeline moved for her destination, motioning to a grinning Leo, to follow. He wasn’t much help, laughing at how she was so easily defeated. The enemy had escaped and Evangeline knew she deserved the jeering. Frost Giant. How had she established that? At first it looked like your everyday giant that some idiot Ares kids decided to irritate. But, this one had unique skin, and a chilling quality. It was eerily strange. Normally, every New York winter had drove Evangeline indoors. She tried her best to avoid any outside contact due to the bitter cold. The air around the monster had been similar, however it hadn’t bothered her in the least.

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