Ch.7 porta ston Prínkipa kai Theá (The Doorway to the Prince and Goddess)

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Author's note: This was sorta rushed, but the next one will make up for it, Promise ! :)

Who?” Evangeline said incredulously.

“Loki..” Thor groaned.

By the  way he spoke, she could tell ‘Loki’ was a rough subject. The thunder god explained a few seasons ago, his beloved brother had died due to a knife wound, and how he had led an alien attack on New York.

So thats who sent those monsters...pretty damn hard to take down… Eva thought.

“I cannot believe he is still alive and well. It is good news, although not in the way I would have hoped.”

Evangeline rolled her eyes. Out of all the sights she had seen aboard the helicarrier, Thor showing any other emotion besides strong, was new to her. Upon her arrival, Evangeline’s mind had been blown. The landing had been more than horrible, but the sight of the ‘fabled’ helicarrier was in it’s literal sense, awesome. The sheer number of agents, supercomputers, secret rooms, and strange auras of other possible godlings were amazing. “I know. I had a similar reaction to.” Steve had told her.

Sure all their technology was beyond her understanding, but Evangeline’s world was further beyond their own. “I honestly can’t believe any brother of Thor would betray his entire world. he would have too much at stake. Why do such a thing?”

She watched the god lean in his chair. They sat at a huge circular table. The other Avengers were consulting with Leo, and had left Thor to babysit her. It wasn’t half bad, at least she was receiving good info on the assistant to Kronos.

“My brother was adopted. He only knew so when our father fell into the Odinsleep. Loki, in hais rage decided to take it upon himself to be my equal. He thinks I look down on him, but it is very much the opposite. Are there such situations in your world?”

Evangeline sighed. “I suppose so. There is not much time for revenge. The majority of the time, demigods are fighting to stay alive. With monsters pursuing us at every turn, distraction would be fatal.”


“I see in some ways you and my brother are the same. Hm.” Thor mumbled.


Dragon girl laughed. “Is that an insult, Thor? Gods and Titans, I am not a cold blooded killer!”


“You have no idea how accurately you speak, Milady Evangeline.”


For a while, neither spoke. The sounds of agents typing on devices, and making calls ensued. The sheer size of the windows made Evangeline nervous. If those shattered, they were all screwed. The fact that thousands of feet down, was not reassuring. At this height, the impact would end any regular human being.


“Hey! Dragon Lady!”


She waved at the latino boy coming out from a laboratory. Grinning like he was high, Leo plopped himself down next to Evangeline. “The forge at camp has taken all the requests for weapons. What about you? I can make one special” He offered with a wink.


Thor smirked a bit. It made Evangeline feel better. He seemed so down about the infamous Loki...He had even compared her to him. Definitely something to be concerned about. That son of Odin, the man she had seen earlier, controlled ice. ICE. Probably Evangeline’s least favorite element of all time. It was cold and killed living things.

“I’m okay I guess. I have Rhindon and the gift Zeus gave me.”

“Oh, come on! Just because you are super tough, doesn’t mean you do not need gear. Stupidity isn’t necessary here.” Chided Leo Valdez.

“Fine. A new utility backpack and some supplies wouldn’t hurt. My old one was sort of” She said waiting for the blond Avenger’s response. Luckily, he was staring off, probably thinking about his little brother.


“Sounds epic! Here, we can go to the lab place that Fury guy gave me to work in.”

Evangeline’s conversation with Thor was going nowhere. Reluctantly, she followed the quirky demigod until they stood in front of a door with odd words.

“Nteamconnti Nuit Rftoeuen Elevl gheteien?” Evangeline said. “What the hell does that even mean? They need to use more pictures.”

Leo laughed as he unlocked the door with a key from his magical belt. The inside, was nothing exceptional, but in no time, she was sure that the mechanic would morph the space into something entirely different. Leo rummaged through some desk drawer while Eva sat down on a perfectly white chair.

“So what type of style are you aiming for?” Leo said. “It can be one that changes shape,or is invisible, maybe even camo...Hm, thats a good idea.”

Evangeline slid her own weathered pack off her back and laid it on the floor. “Can it be invisible and shrinking?”

“Sure, but it will take more time, I have the other orders all in a pretty long queue-”


Damn. The sound of the voice hurt Evangeline’s ears more that Dotallion roaring when he was upset.

“I guess I have to go, Leo. Bye!”

She had barely shifted an inch before straps bolted her down to the chair, and it sank beneath the floor. Leo was hysterical, looking for a weapon to save her with, but it was useless.  A sweet smell filled the air. “NO! NO GODDAMMIT NO!! FUCKING NO!” Evangeline screamed trying to use her powers to escape. The chair was element proof.

Thoughts streamed furiously through her mind before she saw him, Shit shit shit shit.


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