Chapter 1 part 2: Tempting the dragon

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Mid June was not a fun time to be flying around Manhattan. Percy and Black Jack scanned the city from above searching for anything demigod related. The others were observing from the streets, but nothing had been found. "Gods Black Jack, Chiron must be aging...theres nothing here!"

Percy had his pegasus fly him to the ground where he met up with Annaberh and company."Did you guys see anything?"he asked coldly.

Leo laughed from behind Frank," I love running around for no reason as much as the next guy, but what are we looking for,Perce?"

"Chiron said some dangerous demigod girl, she wears a weird mask, but I think he's insane."Percy confided

"Well, the most logical thing to do now was make it look like we did something,"Annabeth said flatly.

"Guys, look!" Piper shreiked. Right above the seven was a wyvern. It's scales were a bluish grey, and it had eyes greener than Percy's. The pedestrians around all smiled. One girl giggled,"Mommy! Look at the really pretty parrot!"

Percy drew Riptide, and the creature dove down, snatched Leo hwo screamed."AGH! Guys get me DOWN!!!!"

Leo kicked and fought, but to no avail. He engulfed his hand in fire, punching the dragon, but it seemed to feel nothing. The wyvern started to soar away,"Jason! Fly after them!"

Percy watched helplessly as the huge monster flew with Leo in its grasp. Jason was significantly slower, but Percy prayed he would be able to save their mechanic friend.


By now Leo had grown used to the idea of being kidnapped by a dragon. Jason had been in tow for a while, but became lost after a death-defying trip through a forest of skyscrapers."Hey dragon!"Leo called,"Where are we going?"

Suddenly Leo felt a jerk as they lowered on top of a ware house. The wyvern's talons loosened, and he dropped to the roof. "I've seen better landings.." Leo grumbled, dusting himself off. The creature stood promptly in front of Leo with it's head turned to one side." You are weird, bro. Now how do I get out of here..."

"DOTALLION!!!!" Cried a voice."What have you done???!!?

A girl flew from below and landed near the pair. Leo grinned. even though he couldn't see her face she was gorgeous. Long ink black hair with red highlights in a braid, lithe body, and the cutest hair pins that were shaped like dragon wings. "Hi, I-"

The girl stomped over to the monster, arms crossed." Humans aren't food! Especially mortals! Look what you've done!!"

"uh.. Leo VAldez here! Dragon food was not on my agenda. And an apology wouldn't hurt" He growled.

" Wait. You can see Dotallion? You must be a demigod then... "

the last part she said mostly to herself, but what was she then. No orange camp shirt was present, not to mention a Jupiter one.

"I apologize for Dotallion's ridiculous mistake, Leo Valdez. And my own. I can take you back to your camp if you wish."

"You know about Half-Blood Hil?"he asked.

The girl froze."Um.. yea, but thats irrelevant! Gods you're annoying!" To Leo's horror the pretty girl formed a fireball in her hand.

"Wh-what are you doing there?"

"Sending you home, Leo Valdez." She flung the fire athim, and he flinched, preparing for pain,but nothing came. he was immune to fire, was that it? Cautiously, he opened his eyes. campers stared at him. Leo was right in the middle of a volleyball game. An Apollo kid shoved him into the sidelines cursing."Watch it Valdez!"

Leo ran for the Big House. If he was lucky, Chiron and the others would be there. They needed to hear this.


The streets of Manhattan were yet again traveled by yet another set of unusual heroes.

"Y'know, Nat, I never understood these undercover missions. Especially ones that involve children." Agent Clint Barton complained. Across from him sat his counterpart, Natasha. Fury had stationed the duo at a cafe in hopes of spotrting their target.

"If the scouting party says this is worth it, than it is. I trust them. Besides, the girl seems interesting. That photo of her attacking..whatever that was is proof we might just have SHEILD's next Coulson." Natasha stated.

Barton was about to make a retort when he noticed an odd group of teenagers carrying...crowbars?

"SHEILD could use the talent. Plus-"

"Sorry Natasha, but I think we have a little police work heading our way." Clint said motioning to the group.

She notied what he was focused on and cringed,"I hate police work...Fine this cafe is horrible anyway. Should we notify the others?"

"No. They're near Central Park, and Banner isn't in one of his preferable moods. C'mon."

Clint and Natasha crossed the hectic street and stopped the kids before they could scamper off." I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask what on earth you are all going to do with those." Natasha ordered.

One boy with black hair and sea green eyes glared at them."Who are you supposed to be? The secret service?"

Clint went for the boy but Natasha held him back."Piper, I'm going to leave this to you." he said walking away from the agents. By the way all his friends smiled, Clint didn't like the sound of Piper.

"Hello mister!" From behind the rest came a cute girl. She was of average height with a dark tint to her skin, and messy chocolate colored braids that perfectly suited her.

"YOU"RE Piper?" Clint laughed.

"Clint...." Natasha warned.

Piper smiled." Aren't you two a cute couple!"

"we're not dating" they said together.

"oh well! I'm sure my mom could fix that! But, WHy don't you both go back to where you came from, and... Oh, I like your jacket, Red. Give it to me."Piper crooned.

Natasha leisurely let go of Clint and removed her black leather SHEILD jacket, handing it to the chereokee girl.

"W-We'll be going now."Barton said dreamily.

Piper ran to catch up with her friends who were headed back to camp. She slipped into her new coat grinning from ear to ear. Piper had grown to love her charmspeak ability more and more each time she used it.


"Agents Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff, is there a good reason you are both back empty handed?" Fury inquired.

The two agents had returned looking rather dazed, but otherwise fine.

Clint began to stutter"I -I.. Those god damn kids!"

"I'm guessing you didn't find the girl."

"N-no, sir"grumbled Natasha." But, she might have friends."

Fury pulled out his phone and pressed a button." Hill, have the other Avengers meet at Stark tower again. We're going hunting."

Did you enjoy? Please message me and I'll do my very best with requests and Critizism!!!! Love you all!

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