Chapter Ten

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"I'm really sorry." Lita apologized for what seemed like the millionth time, putting her phone down and grabbing another decoration from the boxes Madison had opened in a semi circle around her tree. She really couldn't be angry. After all, she had been exactly like this not too long ago.

She didn't want to be a "Debbie Downer", but it was pretty ridiculous for Lita to pick up a relationship or a flirtionship with someone in the whirlwind life of a kpop star; I mean she had front row tickets to see the kind of train wreck that could be. And no matter how much Lita maintained that she just liked his company, Madison saw straight through her façade. She knew Lita couldn't wait to get him  under her, over her...whichever came first.  

Lita sure did work fast; she had moved from lusting to messaging in a little less than a week. There were die hard fans that would have killed for that kind of confidence. It took every muscle in Madison's body to not try to find out about Jungkook and Lita had basically kept mum about the events after the concert. They had obviously gone to the fan meeting, (if the constant notifications on Lita's Kakao talk was an indication), and Hyuna had cryptically mentioned how sad he looked. Other than that, she was missing details. 

Was he missing her like she was missing him?  Was he battling with himself debating whether on not to message? 

Madison shook her head, hoping those thoughts fell out of her ears with the movement. She sighed deeply, and hopped down from the ladder, taking a step back and taking a look at her tree, chewing her lip. 

"Does this-" She cocked her head to the right and Lita came to stand beside her doing the same.

"It is!" 

Her tree was bending pitifully to the right, like the tree in those Charlie Brown Christmas specials she used to watch as a kid. She turned to look at Lita, who shrugged, and dissolved into a fit of laughter. 

Madison couldn't help but laugh as she accepted the hug that Lita gave her, as they watched the tree with glee. It was an unusual thing to feel happy about, and if it was any other time, Madison would have probably gone off the rails. But this was the first genuine feeling of happiness she had experienced since the concert. 

Her foul mood had really taken a toll on her Christmas cheer. She had never fallen this far behind in getting in the spirit of Christmas, but here she was; five days before the event hurrying to meet her deadline. 

Deadline. Deadline. 

God she hated that word. 

It was being drummed in her ear every waking second by her supervisor, things had gotten so ridiculous that she was actually on call right this moment, ready to run into office if needed. To say she was stressed was an understatement. 

They were in the middle of planning the huge annual Christmas special that required innovative stages, more performers and a whole host of staff, and back up dancers to manage, not to mention the onslaught of hyperactive teenage girls and fans alike. They were literally working their fingers to the bone, their supervisor riding their asses to ensure it came off without a hitch. 

Hyuna was passed out on her couch, snoring softly, and Madison echoed her sentiment. Lita brought over a glass of white wine, which she accepted gratefully, curling up, her feet tucked under her. Lita opted to drink out of the bottle; putting it to her head and chugging deeply. 

"So," Lita brook the silence, and turned to face Madison, tying up her auburn hair in the process. Madison braced herself; she knew something serious was coming, possibly a lecture. Lita always approached things like this with a sort of structure, like doing homework or marking it. 

Lady Killer (JungKook BTS fan Fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें