Chapter Nine

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It was a pretty cold night in December when Madison finally had the courage to walk down the street confidently.

There were times when she thought about Jungkook, and they were fleeting, going as fast as they came.

(That was a lie, she thought about him constantly), but in her heart, she knew she had made the right decision. Snow had began to fall lightly, and the snowflakes landed on her Eric Javits Faux Sherling Hat, before melting away. Christmas was coming, and she finally had something to look forward to again. If it weren't for the help of her two friends, Lita and Hyuna, she probably would have lost her cookies. Hyuna kept her motivated at work, forcing her to work harder than she ever had before just so she could get back in her boss' good graces. Arriving before everyone and leaving long after they had left had its merits. Even though she was bone tired, she had accomplished so much in those couple of weeks, that her supervisor was forced to return her to her original position in the company. He had even hinted at a promotion.

Work had finally gone back to normal, her name was no longer on the wagging tongues of other staff members. Madison was so happy when she was finally able to interact with the bands again, however some of the members were a little too fresh, and thought they could score the way Jungkook had. It wasn't like that and she let them know immediately. Hyuna had all but keeled over from shock when she saw the hand written number of Big Bang's Taeyang on the back of Madison's badge in permanent marker.

Hyuna obviously wanted to live vicariously through Madison and a little piece of her heart withered and died when she saw Madison clean it off with rubbing alcohol, all traces of his advances wiped away. She was so quick and decisive when it came to rejecting Taeyang, and yet she still had the message on the mirror that Jungkook had left sitting in her room. Lita had offered to get a hammer so they could break it together, but Madison had declined.

She had finally told her father about the relationship, and the mistakes she had made along the way. It was the first deep conversation they had had since her mother passed away, and it felt good to open up to someone other than her two best friends. His only advice was to do what made her happy.

Whatever that was....

Madison had even gone to therapy in an effort to build up her confidence and self-esteem, and the mumbo jumbo actually seemed to be working. She felt feisty again, more like herself and less like the weakling she was when the scandal broke. She remembered the egging incident with a certain fondness, old Madison just took it silently. She was never like that, she always protected and stood up for herself and other people, she didn't ever need a saviour. It felt good to be feeling that strong again.

And, she was dating again. It was tough but she had finally jumped back into the pool with both feet in. She had declined Lita's first attempts at trying to set her up (she didn't exactly have an exemplary record when it came to that department), but after constant pestering, she had finally given Lita's guy a try.

He was a French Model who was on assignment in Korea, that Lita had met in a coffee shop struggling to place an order. Dominic, like Madison, had recently been burned in a relationship and wasn't looking for anything serious at the moment, just good company and conversation. And they gave each other just that; promising to keep in touch when they parted ways at the airport. Lita was a little disappointed when Madison reported that there was no "hanky-panky."

"I thought you were over him Madison..." Lita had said quietly, choosing her words carefully so as to no offend.

"I am, I'm just not ready for that right now." Who was she kidding? She wasn't over Jungkook..


After his company had established firmly, that she and him were just friends, he had been whisked away from country to country on an Asian Tour. That's all she was to him. Sometimes she caught herself googling him, just to see his progress. He hadn't tried to contact her since that day, there was a deafening silence on his end. To say Madison was a little disappointed was an understatement, but all things happened for a reason.

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