Remmi couldn't help but notice how her heart dropped a little when she realized she wouldn't be alone with Daryl.

"I'm keepin' the bike. No negotiatin' on that," Daryl told the men to which they agreed.

It was about a half hour later when they rallied up as much gas as they could.

Daryl told Remmi she could ride on the bike with him, but she declined. Daryl thought it was cute how she worded it.

"No way am I getting on that death trap. Motorcycle accidents are one of the leading causes of death. Number three actually,"

"Oh yeah? Then what's the first?"

"Vehicle accidents..." Remmi had stayed quiet after that, but still chose to ride with her brother.

And that simple conversation was what kept Daryl going the next couple of hours.


Is what was Remmi's red leather watch read when they had stopped for a second time that day. The plan was to head to Fort Benning. No stops unless absolutely necessary.

The fact that they couldn't get through the pile-up of cars on the highway deemed necessary enough.

"Wow... We could find a lot of supplies here," Ellie had mentioned when they all gathered at the RV.

"I agree. We could siphon some gas for sure," Shane commented, agreeing with the pregnant woman.

"I don't... I don't think I feel right about this," Lori told them. "It's a graveyard."

"It is, but... We need it. We need to survive. I know I'm starving and you gotta be too," Remmi told the woman. Lori had just sighed, shaking her head.

"I gotta agree with Remmi," Rick said once his wife had looked his way. "Everyone spread out, but keep each other in sight. We can't risk losin' anyone."

So they split up. Everyone went to different cars, looking through the bags of the lost. Daryl had looked over at Remmi when she was looking through a bag of clothes with Ellie.

"What about this?" Ellie has asked her. It was a purple top. Daryl had been positive that it would look stunning on her.

"I... Derek—" Remmi took a breathe, "I would never."

"Remmi, as much as your brother and I disagree, I gotta say... He is right. You gotta let go of him sometimes. This is a modest top and you're not gonna take it because of some, excuse my language, but some ass wouldn't let you over a year ago?"

"You don't understand Eleanor. It's more complicated than that,"

"It's not Remmi. Don't make excuses,"

After that Ellie had just walked away, saying she was going to lie down in the RV.

"You should take the top," Daryl spoke. Remmi turned to look and see the man staring at her. "You might change your mind about it."

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