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SHE COULD FEEL HER blue shorts move with her as she walked up to Addison's office. The CDC was a place that Dr. Tyler was familiar with. Having only been there a handful of times, she already knew were her best friend's office was.

When she opened the door, she saw Jenner sitting in his wife's chair.

"So," She began, "Now's the time you tell me what happened to Addison."

"How about you tell me what happened with you first? You just left. No goodbye? What the hell Rem? Addy and I worried about you for weeks,"

"I'm sorry Eddy, I just... Things got bad and I had to leave,"

The scientist just stared at her, "Just tell me what happened. We could've helped you,"

"I didn't want anyone to know Edwin, you have to understand that,"

"I don't understand. You and Derek were our best friends. Then we find out that he was in the hospital and you just left?"

Remmi just looked down. She didn't want to talk about it. Ever. She barely could tell Andrew and Ellie what happened that night.

"I have a question," She told him, "My nephew—"

"Matthew, right?"

She nodded. "He... He died about a day ago. Could I have saved him?"

"Remmi..." He began, "I've been working on a cure since... Since Addison died. She got bit and I was determined to find a cure."

"So I couldn't of saved him?" She looked up at the doctor with tears in her eyes.

"No... I'm sorry,"

Remmi just wiped her eyes and walked out of the room. She pushed past Rick who she noticed was heading towards Jenner's office.

"Are you okay Remmi?" He asked her.

But she ignored him and kept on walking.

When she reached the hallway with the makeshift bedrooms, she tried to get to her's as quick as she could.

She saw Daryl in the hallway and she didn't want to be stopped. She wanted to sleep.

"Hey," He grumbled, "What's wrong with ya?" The Dixon had no clue as to why he asked her such a question especially with his vow to avoid her.

She just shook her head and tried to keep walking, but he grabbed her wrist, stopping her from going any further.

Remmi looked up at Daryl which made her want to cry even more.

"There's no cure. I couldn't of saved him," She whispered as more tears fell from her blue eyes.

Daryl didn't know what to do. He watched as she put her head into her hands and cried.

But then he did something that he would never dream of doing to Remmi. To anyone, even. Merle would have called him a wuss or something much worse for what he was doing.

Daryl then wrapped his arms around her. Remmi buried her head into his chest, completely ruining the clean shirt with tears and snot.

And in that moment, they realized that this single moment would never be the last. That they didn't want the moments like these to end when this was just the beginning.

But the two would never admit it. Tomorrow they would go back to their old selves with their vows to swear off love and each other would be put back in the place.

But for now, this moment and this moment only, was enough for them.

After her moment with Daryl, Remmi went into her shared room with Andrew and Ellie. She hadn't realized how late it was until she saw Andrew sleeping and Ellie sitting up on the pull-out couch. Crying as quietly as she could.

"Ellie? What's wrong?" Remmi whispered.

"I miss him, I miss my baby," She cried.

Remmi just walked over to the small bed and pulled Ellie into her. Unfortunately, this small movement had woken up Andrew.

"Ellie? Rem? What's going on?" He wipes his eyes as he looked at his sister who shook her head.

Ellie just kept on crying. "I miss Matty. So much," She cried, even harder than before.

Andrew just sighed and hugged the two women. "I miss him too, baby. I miss him too,"

"Me too," Remmi smiled, "I miss my little peanut."

The three of them had just hugged each other. Eventually falling asleep in the midst of one another. It was a bad night for them all. In one way or another.

That seemed to be what this world had been succumbed too. Sadness and heartbreak.



I noticed something. 2k reads and i was eligible for WATTYS?!

this is so exciting!!! I'm so happy!!

thank you to all the people who vote, comment and read my story!! I love all of you guys!!! thank you guys so so much!!!

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