Day Dreams

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Jaylene notices your body freeze and she pulls away. She looks to your face and she sees the complete horror in your eyes. Looking behind her she sees Freda with the blankest of expressions on her face. Freda walks over to the two and stops. You feel the world around you start to shake and your heart is set ablaze. The only thing that you can do, Is pray that what ever the future holds for you, Doesn't involve your scrotum and any sharp objects.

Freda: Jaylene Voorhees I believe..

Jaylene: I am, Who are you?

Freda: Oh who am I?

You feel the sudden shift in the area, He feels his throat start to dry and notice that everyone in the surrounding area have been replaced by ash, You take a step back.

Y/n: Freda What are You?

Freda then looks to you with a demented simile grows on her face. Then in a instant she burst into laughter and everything around you goes dark.


The morning sun shines through the broken window. Opening your eyes seeing two women next to you that you almost don't recognize until you rub your eyes.

Y/n: Jaylene, Michelle. They are still sleep.

???: And they will stay that way for as long as I will it.

You look to your side and see Freda, but she looks extremely weakened.

Freda: Over and Over again they manage to break free of my nightmares, There obsession for you is just as great as mine, I am willing to do everything I can to make you mine, Why won't you give up

Y/n looks to the girls and looks back to Freda.

Y/n: Maybe it is the love that I have held for them for these years. I never really told them how much I liked being around all of you as a child, But I guess not seeing them for such a long time the feelings change and faded from my heart, and when I herd all these horrible things happened to all of you something inside me just... died too and withered away. Now that you are here I guess its like being given a second chance, But still I don't have the courage just yet to say the things I want to you all for all these years.

Freda stands in silence then begins to giggle and chuckle.

Freda: And what would you need to say to us then Darlin?

Y/n gives a nervous smile.

Y/n: I can't tell you just yet.

Freda then fall to the ground and you get to her aid.

Y/n: What's wrong?

Freda: They are free.

Jaylene and Michelle's body rise side by side they look at each other for a moment and look to me with Freda, Their eyes start to fill to the brim then over flow with rage. They both get off the bed and their menacing shadows over me and her. Just as I try to calm them down they push me out the way and Jaylene grabs Freda by the neck while Michelle grabbing her knife and slowly pushing it into Freda's body squirming in Pain. 

Y/n: Kinda hoping I was wrong about my little theory of love, But I don't have a say in what should be when it comes to females. Freda then starts to laugh.

Freda: I'm just going to come back, you can't kill what simply won't die.

An Idea then pops in your head, and you quickly stand to your feet.

Y/n: Then stay here if there is no point!

Jaylene along with Michelle then shoot a glare to you and back to Freda, But after a long while of silence Jaylene looks back to Michelle. Michelle quickly takes out her knife and Jaylene drops Freda to the floor, she smiles.

Female Jason x Fred Krugar x Micheal Myers x Nerd ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now