Love of the Future

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Jaylene falls to the ground, You go to Jaylene's unconscious body. Standing worried you take off her mask and sees the hidden face of your past friend, As much as you want to feel happy to see her again you realize that she is not breathing.

-Inside of Jaylene's mind-

Jaylene watches as the image of her mother fades from her view. Suddenly the light is swallowed in hellish flames and a demonic visage of Freda Kruger takes form in front of Jaylene. The monster roars and bellows then swings her gigantic finger claw toward Jaylene with no avail. Jaylene continues to doge the monster as it screams in anger, but suddenly grows a malicious smile. The monster raises it hand swipes at the ground and a colossal tidal wave explodes from the ground of the dream world and crashes into Jaylene. The violent dream water rushes into Jaylene lungs. The monster changes into Freda and she watches above as air bubbles pop from the water and stop. Freda smiles descending and stands on the water.

Freda: I would say the "Wet Dream" pun again, but I already used it in this story!

She starts to laugh manically as she closes her eyes to regain control of Jaylene's body again she suddenly feels something pull at her leg. Freda looks down at her leg in horror as Jaylene rises from water like a predator from the sea grabbing Freda by the throat. She brings Freda close to her face and as she looks on in fear.

Freda: Y-You f-f-fear water *gag*

Jaylene tightens her grip and brings her closer.

Jaylene: Not. Any. More.

Jaylene rears back and knocks her head off with all her force. She drops the body and then watches it dissolve into the open dream ocean.

Y/n naps in his camp bed and waits for a sign that Jaylene is okay. You hear the sound of someone standing up in the next room. You jump out the bed and quickly make way to the next room. You open the door to see Jaylene siting up face to face with Michelle.

Y/n: It's alright Michelle, can you two just not try to kill each other?

The two girls look to you for a moment with a cold stare.

Y/n: Please?

The girls look back each other and you notice that there eyes widen, But they give a small head nod in agreement that they won't kill each other. You give a sigh of relief, but a feeling in the back of your mind makes you think you will regret doing this later. You walk to Jaylene to see her blank face.

Y/n: Do you remember me Jaylene?

She gives a small nod and you give a smile to her.

Y/n: Its been a long time since I saw you. Maybe you can remind me of the picture I gave you a while ago?

She looks down and pulls out the crumbled picture from her pocket and take a long gaze. After a moment of silence, The killer forms words.

Jaylene: It was- After girls hockey game, you where visiting. Mother took photo and-

She pauses and you notices that she is starting to cry tears that have been held inside what looks to be centuries. You place your hand on her shoulder to comfort her. Michelle stands in the corner with a blank stare. The killers weeping subsides and then stops as Jaylene looks to you with a smile with the warmth of a furnace in a cold winter.

Y/n: Great to see this side of you.

Jaylene then looks to Michelle and stands to her feet.

Jaylene: Made whole two of us, one left.

Michelle shoots a look to Jaylene knowing who she is referring to.

Y/n: Freda.

Jaylene nods.

Y/n: Guess you girls missed me a lot more than I thought.

Both girls nod in agreement. You give long thought to what your plan is going to be to face Freda. After a long while of thought you manage to come up with the Star Lord equivalent of a plan, but it might cost at the expense of your mind. You tell the girls and they proceed give you angered look of disapproval, but knowing the girls now they will not stop killing at your expense to have you, so you hold your ground to the intimidating females and they let you follow suit with the plan.

Y/n: Think you two can wait outside? Maybe you too can catch up with each other.

The two stare blankly at each other.

Y/n: Well I can't go to sleep with you two burning holes into me...

You notice the girls look away for a moment. In a instant the two girls pin you on the bed. You close your eyes thinking that they are lashing out in a fit of rage, but the thought is burned from your mind as you feel both sides of your face being met with soft lips of Jaylene and Michelle. The two girls wrap there arms around you as the rest of your body tenses.

Jaylene: I won't...Leave you.

Michelle: I will be with you always.

The two girls squeeze your body and your heart is set aflame as the two girls say.

Jaylene and Michelle: We love you Y/n, too much.

You suddenly faint from the feelings and go right to sleep with the most crooked of smile on your face. The two girls do the same as the night falls again and the start of the Nightmare begins as a ghostly visage of Freda emerges from the shadows.


Female Jason x Fred Krugar x Micheal Myers x Nerd ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now