Devils That Fight For You

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Your body tries to move, but fear has you trapped like a fly in a spider web. The woman sits in place staring at you and not breaking her gaze from you. You take a deep breath and look to the door, The woman's eyes widen and she stands to her feet. Once you notice that the female killer stands to her feet and starts to make her way to you, Your common sense finally kicks in and you make a break for the door.

-Jaylene P.O.V-

My body shakes and quivers with a feeling that haven't really felt in a long time. This feeling, its making my heart pound in my ears, Its making my head spin. Once I knock him out and out him under the drug..He..Will..Be..MINE!!

Jaylene suddenly goes blood shot and a crazed grin stretches across her face. Though things are not going as expected, This does put a smile on her face...

After a while of running you make it back to your room and lock the door you stand there at the door with your a hands on the knob taking burst and deep breaths of air. You start to hyper ventilate and you turn around to get your asthma pump to calm down. As you do this you fail to see the ever so silent Michelle standing in the corner. She reaches out and taps your shoulder with her knife, You swing your arm and she catches it.

Y/n: Jeez Michelle! can you at least breath a little harder when you want to surprise me like that.

She gives a head tilt, she stabs her knife into the desk and grabs your inhaler and hands it to you. You take a shot and notice you now down to your last two shots left. You can't let yourself get any more panic attacks, You don't know how long you will last in this night. You look back to the blank faced Michelle, and you give a small smile. She rears back for a moment, grabs you into a hug. 

Michelle: Heart..Is..Yours

You stand there shocked and look to her face.

Y/n: Michelle?

Michelle: I..Love..Y-

Suddenly there is a sound of glass shattering and a arrow pierces through Michelle's shoulder. You start to feel your heart race for a moment, but calms as Michelle puts her hands on your mouth and chest.

Michelle: Stay.. here..

Michelle lets you go and opens the broken window to see Jaylene holding a bow. Michelle grabs her knife once again and climbs out the window. You close the window and take out a camera.

Y/n: Well at least I will have memories..


Michelle drops to the ground and looks to Jaylene with a emotionless physical expression, But with great rage in her heart it makes her blood lust skyrocket. She realizes that she still had the arrow in her shoulder and she tears it out. Michelle slowly makes her approach to her shooter and so does Jaylene to her target drawing her machete and hatchet. The two stand in front of each other waiting for the other to make the first move.

Jaylene quickly swings at Michelle, but quickly doges and stabs Jaylene in the stomach. Jaylene doesn't give a sign of pain as she grabs Michelle hair and knees her in the face knocking her to the ground. She quickly stands up and goes for another stab. Jaylene swings at her arm to sever it and misses as Michelle doges and slashes at Jaylene's neck. Jaylene takes a few steps back and looks to Michelle with a angered look on her face. She throws her hatchet and misses, but as Michelle doges she is tackled to the ground by Jaylene and pinned by her legs. Jaylene raises her machete, But Michelle retaliates by stabbing Jaylene in her arm mid swing and pushing her off. The two killers stand to there feet.

Jaylene: You don't die as easy don't you Bitch!

You over hear the tone of Jaylene and notice that something is off about Michelle's opponent and yet again you suddenly feel like you recognize the killer, but can't make it out one hundred percent with her mask on so you try to ignore it.

The fight between the two female killers rages on in blood. Both slashers go blow for blow, Until Jaylene manages to slash at Michelle's knee and she falls to the dirt. Jaylene grows a menacing smile on her face under the mask as she rears back and punches Michelle in the face stunning her.

Jaylene: Guess she is down for the count. Time to get my prize.

She shoots her gaze to you as you watch from the window and you quickly duck in fear and run over to the locked door know that won't do crap against what ever she is so you make the option to run. You grab your phone, inhaler and you manage to grab a flare gun and a few rounds.

Y/n: God I'm dead..

Suddenly walk over to the door to be met with a sound of stomping up the stairs. You make your way to the window as the door starts breaking into pieces from a swings from a machete. The sudden burst and mix of fear and adrenaline you jump out the window and land on the ground with a hard thud.

Y/n: M-dogg, I hate you...

You hear the sound of your room door breaking apart and a angered killer.

You stand to your feet and start running away noticing that Michelle's body has disappeared. From the fight previously even the most dangerous of killers need a break. Jaylene watches from the window of your room as you run off into the darkness of the night. She starts to laugh manically.

Jaylene: Don't worry Y/n keep running and getting away, tire yourself and hide. I'll find you if it is not with this body it will be someone else. Even if you do escape this night, everyone needs sleep eventually, Then you'll be mine forever.

Female Jason x Fred Krugar x Micheal Myers x Nerd Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن