Saturday the 14th

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You shoot your eyes open sitting up quickly to take deep breaths. You look to your side and see Freda at your side. You get out the bed and rush into the bathroom, Splashing water on your face you take a look at yourself in the mirror. You take long thought on what happened, but your not sure if what occurred was a dream or reality. Closing your eyes you think hard and you remember only a pale blank face. Suddenly arms wraps around you waist and two soft cushions pushed on your back. Smiling you see turn to see Freda hugging you, she opens her tired eyes and looks in the mirror at your reflection and somehow notices the happy, but worried look on your face.

Freda: Whats wrong sugar? you look like you have seen a ghost.

Y/n: Its..Its nothing dear, Just a bad dream.

Though you say this Freda gives you a worried look and turns to your front and she turns from sweet to a stern kinda intimidating look. The stare that you feel makes your heart beat rise a little faster.

Freda: What. Is. Wrong. Dear?

As you feel her gaze, you don't feel warm or have good feelings, but you feel a sense of...dread from within her eyes. You make wise as to answer her question, the feeling of her cold stare sets your body in an eternal flame.

Y/n: It was just a strange wet dream dear.

Freda: Oh alright then, don't pay any mind to me.

The shine of her happiness glows through her and she walks out and down stairs. You look back to your reflection.

Y/n: What is happening to you man?

You walk downstairs to into the kitchen, once again seeing your wife Freda making your breakfast with a strange grin on her face that you notice, but you choose to ignore it and sit down. You grab the near by remote and switch on the T.v.

Reporter: In other news, Hockey star Jaylene Voorhees has yet gained her final win for her team ending their streak and winning the championship making history and she is now going into a surprising retirement. Her coach had this to say.

The Coach: Jaylene is known to be a lifeless zombie at times when she is around people, Just a small look from her gives her own teammates chills colder than frigid air, But when she gets on that ice...She doesn't feel more alive, She will always have a place on this Ice, This Team and our hearts.

You smile a bit before Freda places your favorite breakfast food in front of you. Your mood shoots from distressed cheerful as you grab your fork and chow down. Freda laughs as you eat like you never have before. After breakfast you head into the main room and grab your laptop to relax. Freda sits next to you and you look over to her.

Y/n: Don't you have work today lovely?

Freda: Yeah, But my boss is cutting me some slack and giving me the day off...Until He calls me later today saying that I need to come in and do an all nigher, What you doin sugar bear?

Y/n: Nothing much, just going on watt-pad to see if MountainRangeFiction has updated yet. Been a awhile i'm starting to think hes dead...

Freda: Meh don't worry about it sweetie, pretty sure that he doing his best to keep up.

Y/n: You are so sweet Freda, Always concerned for others and loving to the Extreme.

Freda: That extreme is just for you my sweet talking juice box, Now gimme a taste!

She jumps on you crashing your lips with hers into a aggressive yet sweet kiss. Yours along with Freda's body starts to heat up and she starts to take off her clothing and you do the same. Freda breaks the kiss and sits up on top of you completing taking off her shirt and exposing her rather large breast. She slowly caress and rub your body under your shirt. You start to feel your pants feel a little tighter than normal. Freda bits her lip in anticipation.

Freda: You ready for me~?

Y/n: Oh Ye[Comment Here, for the Blue balls...AHA! *Infinite DAB emote*]

Just as you answer the phone rings and stops the heated moment

Y/n and Freda: son of a Bitch...

Freda puts her shirt back on and walks over to the ringing phone. You start to tear up and throw a small tantrum and punch the couch. Freda walks back to you with a saddened look. Knowing what this meant you both start to throw toddler like fits as you both start to stomp your feet.

---Later that Day, Your P.O.V---

I kiss Freda from the window and she drives off to work leaving me to my lonesome on my day off from work. Kinda sucks being alone on such a nice day, wonder what the neighbors are doing? I look over to my other neighbors lawns and as I look over to my other neighbors houses I feel like there is someone missing, Someone I know for some reason just gone from my mind, Oh well it will come back eventually. Just as I turn around to go back inside I here the voice of my close neighbors.

???: Oh Y/n!

You look back to see Pamela Voorhees, possibly the kindest woman on planet earth.

Y/n: Ahh, Mrs Voorhees still lively as always I see.

Pamela: Ohh hush you! Just what are you doing on this fine morning?

Y/n: nothing much, Just about to go back inside. What about you?

Pamela: Oh well my daughter Jaylene is coming home to visit for retirement. Though she could go on, but she just cares for me a little too much. I might be a little old, but i'm not defenseless as everyone thinks.

Y/n: If you where my mother, I would have too.

You both laugh start to laugh. Suddenly a car pulls up in front of the of Pamela's house. The door opens and out steps Jaylene rushing over to her mother into a tight hug. You simile at the sight of the mother and daughter, But for some reason you feel that some thing is wrong about this. Is it wrong that a parent and child is with each other? No it is not that. As you are in a state of contemplation.

Pamela: Jaylene this is my good neighbor, Y/n L/n.

Jaylene looks over to you with a small smile on her face, Again you feel a warmness from her gaze and her smile. She waves in greeting and you do the same.

Pamela: Y/n would you like to join us for the day? Maybe get to know my daughter better~? it is only Saturday the 14th, You have time to kill right?

Jaylene: Mother...

Pamela giggles at her Daughters blushing face as she awaits your answer. You give it some thought for a moment, but since you had nothing else to do in your spare time today you accept the offer joining Pamela and Jaylene in their home.


Michelle's eyes shoot open looking around, She tries to sit up but can't move. Suddenly deep cuts suddenly forms on her body, Though she has no reaction she can't help but to form tears. Suddenly the roof above her starts to move and distort into the laughing face of Freda. The roof then rips open and showers her in boiling hot blood onto her body. From the pool of lava like blood Freda rises laughing hysterically as the flesh of Michelle melts off her bones.


Female Jason x Fred Krugar x Micheal Myers x Nerd ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now