Death Walks at Night

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After a long while some of the counselors start to worry and panic due to one of the students finding Mikes body in the woods where I was. They questioned me like I killed him, But I explained that I wasn't the one to blame even some of the other classmates that normally bully me take my side knowing that I wouldn't harm a fly. After that ordeal we where sent into separate bed houses while they try to- The lights of the house just went down, I look outside to see the camp whole camp submerged in darkness. I Feel my heart beat loud as thunder suddenly my asthma starts to kick in and I start to hyperventilate. I grab my inhaler from my bag and take a deep breath from the asthma pump and try my best to calm down.

The minute that I try to steady my heart I hear the sound of screams and Agony, I also feel I some liquid going down my legs, Crap baskets.

After replacing your wet pants and underwear. You collect your common sense and think of a way to escape, But there is suddenly a cry for help then nothing. You shake it off for a moment, Then you think of going to the main house where there should be an phone to call for help. You make your way outside into the abyss that is the night. The sound of the stillness, The sight of darkness sends a chill down your spine as you make haste to the main house of crystal lake.

Michelle P.O.V

The sounds of fear and screams are heard throughout the near by forest. She stands to her feet and makes her way to you, To ensure your safety. Her heart beats louder than thunder as she sudden quickens her pace as she thinks of the possible danger that you could be in at this moment.

Michelle: Y..Y/n!

She suddenly gets a burst of energy as she goes from walking to running. Running on the Love for Y/n and the Hate for anyone that does you harm.

Back to you

The out of screams drives fear into a mans heart, but it drives drives fluids through a nerds. Though it has been a terror filled "walk in the park" you finally make it to the main house office of crystal lake. Strangely the power down didn't effect the main house. You enter with a sigh of relief, But that sudden flame of smoke is snuffed out as you witness the aftermath of a blood bath. The sudden panic and the smell of lose insides and blood along with panic and fear make your heart sink and your stomach churn and you vomit from these awful feels. You wonder what normal person could be capable of such horrible acts, But who ever did this couldn't be human. You walk upstairs and see a slip and slide of blood leading into the main office where the main office phone is located. You take every step with pure caution. You open the door to see a small flickering light and what is left of your other classmates that joined on the trip. Walking inside and seeing the phone you quickly take it in hand and call the police...

They answer.

Police: 911 what is your emergency?

Y/n: Please send help! There are so many bodies, I don't know what is going on!

Police: Sir clam down. Please explain where you are.

Y/n: I was on a trip to cam-*KLACNK!*

The sudden sound of something metal hitting the ground makes your body stiff as stone, Then there is a voice of someone behind you.

???: You Won't Be Needing Police Y/n...

You feel your heart stop for a moment. You slowly turn around shaking like a poor man in the dead of a cold winter to see a woman on a wall spattered with blood.

"I have been waiting for you..."


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Michelle P.O.V

Continues her hunt for Y/n, She hears the sound of heavy breathing and the smell of blood. She looks around and finds a consular pined on a tree with arrows in his body.

Consular: K-Kill..M-M-Me... 

She does so in quick succession silting his throat, She walks away as the body goes limb.

Female Jason x Fred Krugar x Micheal Myers x Nerd ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now