Dream Girl

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You open your eyes and look around. It's your room in the family house, but you feel something off about the atmosphere. It feels a little hotter than normal, and everything around looks odd like an unfinished and distorted painting. You try to get out of the bed, but you are tied by the arms and feet. You struggle for a while trying to get free to no avail, you start to panic. The feeling of your heartbeat pounds in your ear like a cannon. But then the room door opens slowly with a creek. Your eyes go wide and fixed at opening from what could come through the corridor. The sound of small footsteps can be heard and grow closer. A little girl peaks into the room, smiling and laughing softly seeing you and walks in the room.

The girl wears white dress, but wears no shoes, baring a pair of red covered scissors in hand. She slowly walks toward you step by step. You shift away from her I fear of what she might do, but instead she cuts the restrains and freeing your limbs. You stand to your feet and just as you were going to thank the child for freeing you, she rushes out the room. You try to chase after her to ask what's happening, but when you exit the door, you slip fall on the floor. You stand up and rub your head from the pain; looking around you notice a trail of drops of water down the stairs you also hear some type of moaning in the living room. You struggle to walk down the odd shaped stairs. Making it down to the floor you follow the sound toward the main room. You see a blonde girl on your couch watching a T.V She moans loudly as the it flips on and off and on and off.


The sound bounces off the walls, the world around you quake. You take a step back and suddenly slip and fall with a loud thud.

Y/N: Crud!

 You whisper in pain, but suddenly then you hear the T.V shut off and loud heel footsteps walk toward you and the sound of sinister chuckling comes from all directions, you quickly stand to your feet and rush back, climbing upstairs to save your sanity from the dizzy stairs into your room and shut the door. The walls feel like they are closing in around you, and your vision is blurring as you try to understand what is happening around you. 

Is this a dream? This can't be real! I wanna wake up! Someone help me!

you hear giggles behind you. Slowly you turn around to see a girl with a fedora and licking her finger knifes.

 Slowly you turn around to see a girl with a fedora and licking her finger knifes

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You try to run out the room again, But the door doesn't budge as you grip the knob. The girl giggles as you try to leave, you turn back to her your breathes hastened. 

???: Who? or What Are You?

The girl smiles and suddenly jumps off the bed, you jolt back and close your eyes in fear. You wait for your fate to be sealed, But the warmth of arms around your waist comforts you. The feeling of finger blades runs down your back and you shiver. You open your eyes and look to the girl burying her face in your chest tearing up. Everything is clear, the room is solid and still, Cool and Normal. Your body and your breath calm. You don't say a word as this moment happens, but now question is evident.

Y/n Thoughts: Do I Know You?

She shivers for a moment and looks up at you, the look in her eyes feel familiar.

???: Don't tell me you have forgotten lil ol me?

You pause at her country accent; you take a good look at the girl and make a realization. You smile nervously in disbelief for a moment and hug the girl back and she hugs tighter.

Y/n: Freda?! How are you even here, this is-

Freda: It doesn't matter, all that does is that I am here now.

You let go for a just to look at Freda, you blush at her sense of fashion. She notices this and somehow manages to grab you and throw you on the bed to your utter shock and surprise. Freda hops on top of you and presses her body against yours. She gazes into your eyes and you do the same.

Freda: Talk about a Wet Dream, eh?

she says with a smile.

Female Jason x Fred Krugar x Micheal Myers x Nerd ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now