Friends of the Past

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Apparently, my younger self didn't realize how bad his sense of order was so yeah, this part is very messy in terms of timeline, so I organized it so it's not confusing.


 The Demon, The Monster and The Shape...Found You, but that is not all they found with you. Something deep in their souls has awakened inside them and now you have to deal with the consequences.

But enough from me, on to count the dead.


-Before your Trip to Crystal Lake-

Y/n Awakes in his dream. Without blurred vision, Without Bullies to torment to him, Only Rules that he created himself. There were none. You were walking in a field with your imaginary girlfriend holding her hand smiling, laughing and enjoying the rare time with each other. You notice she was wearing strange attire, a striped green and red shirt. though you didn't care what she looked like, it put you in a state of...Unease.

Y/n: Sweetie, how come you wearing those clothes? She doesn't answer. The world around you begins to rumble and tear apart. The ground under you is taken from you and you fall into darkness seeing three women staring down at you.


You jump up screaming and hyperventilating triggering your asthma. You quickly look for your inhaler, struggling and panicking knocking everything over on the floor, but eventuality find and take a deep breath from your inhaler. Calming yourself, your heart rate steadies. You look for your glasses. After some treasure hunting to find your stuff, you get downstairs to get your breakfast. You notice a covered plate a bag of lunch with a note next to it.

"Have a wonderful day! don't forget to take your lunch and *Favorite Doughnut* to school Love mom, your father left you a "gift" in the fridge but know that he means well and so do I, With love Mom and Dad! XOXO"

You smirk and look in the fridge and see a bottle of Bushmaster Rum. You stare at the bottle for a moment and laugh. You open the bottle, smell the scent and take a shot. You almost cough out what you took in but manage to drink it down. You put back the bottle and pack the doughnut. You turn back to the covered plate of breakfast and see something beautiful....

Y/n: Mom's breakfast wraps with Dads Hash brown scrambler, dad might be a drunk asshole sometimes, but at least he can cook like a normal person. Plus, side to this is that the last field trip is today, we will be there for the whole week! Downside is that that douche Bruce is coming.

With a sigh you dig into your breakfast, thinking how to not get your ass whooped ahead. As you are eating, you look over to some pictures of yourself, some family, but out of them all you recognize one with yourself and three girls that you knew as a toddler. You finish your breakfast, walk over to and grab the picture.

Y/n: If only I could have stayed longer with you girls. Michelle Myers killed her sister a week after I left and confined to an asylum. Freda Kruger, Child killer and burned to death by the parents. Jaylene Voorhees, Drowned at Camp Crystal Lake by some Assholes. I can only feel sympathy for one out of the three, but they are still my friends, I wish I was there to.... Do anything.

You put the picture down and pack your things for the trip and school hopefully your friends will be waiting there to for you.


At the deserted Camp Crystal Lake, A Woman sits on the dirt ground in front of an old, decade head of another woman. The woman starts to twitch and shiver as a voice in her head calls for her.

Pamela Voorhees: Jaylene...What is wrong? You look so Bleak dear; have you been eating how I have told you too?

Jaylene mumbles silently, only the ear of the void in her head able to hear her clearly.

Pamela Voorhees: I understand Jaylene, but be smart with your choice my sweet girl, and stand strong for your love, like I am to you.

Jaylene twitches as a grin stretches on her face as she hears a group of hunters enter the area.

Pamela Voorhees: But while you're at, it Kill for mother...

Jaylene: Yes.

She grabs a Machete, Mask and hatchet axe and walks out the shack.


-Earlier that day-

A man walks to the house of girlfriend. He takes a deep breath as he steps to the gates of her home, He takes a small box out his pocket opens it revealing a ring.

Bob: Today's the day, I finally will ask her to marry me. I re-

He stops to notice a strange figure at the window of his girlfriend's room. Feeling worried he rushes inside the house. He feels a shiver down his spine as he sees the bodies of a woman on the floor and a man pinned to the wall and entrails on the out.

Bob: Oh... Christ. I Need to call the police.

He quickly goes to the kitchen for the phone. The loud scream of his girlfriend catches his attention, and he rushes upstairs. He looks around shaking in fear as he sees blood trail into the bathroom and follows. He sees the body of his lover on the floor with multiple stab wounds on her, he falls to his knees in sorrow.

Bob: D-Donna, who has done this...?

As he morns he hears the breathing of a woman behind him. He turns around and feels a piercing pain through his chest. He spits blood and looks up to the lifeless face of the shape. Bob makes a bloody smile and as the life begins to fade from his body.

Bob: What were her last words, please tell me....

She says silent and looks to the body of Donna and back to Bob. She pushes the knife deeper in his chest and rips it out and sprays blood on her face. He walks to the body of his was to be wife, and falls dying next to her. He looks into the eyes of the body of his lover.

Bob: I... Love...

With his last breath he bleeds out and dies in a puddle of blood. Michelle stares at the two bodies for a moment as tears go down her face. She leans down to the two, grabs their hands and makes them hold each other. Michelle looks to the body of Bob and whispers.

Michelle: She called for you...

The sound of police sirens is heard, and she leaves the scene, walking out the back door unnoticed.

Female Jason x Fred Krugar x Micheal Myers x Nerd ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now