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well.. I'm not very caught up..

June has been an eventful month so far. It was Dan's birthday, Dan came back to YouTube, Dan and Phil came out and confirmed phan aka killing everyone in said phandom.

Just as a quick mention, I'm so proud of Dan. That's all. He has suffered so many years of bullying about his sexuality and for him to finally come out was amazing and so inspirational. The video, I feel, will help so many people for years to come and that's wonderful. He is finally comfortable to share his story and that makes me happy. I love him and I'm happy he's happy and now I'll shut up.

Also, I'm so proud of Phil. He was much more excepted and good for him. Phil is amazing and he truly deserves the happiness he is receiving. I loved the way he came out, Dan's being more telling a whole story whereas Phil's I could truly laugh at more (the whole closet joke, honestly how he should have done it tbh), they were amazing to watch. Waiting on Dans tweet now...

Also Phil- 7 min Dan- 45 min really sums them up well..

As well as that, it was Dan's birthday and the birthday photos were absolutely the most appropriate, beautiful and amazing thing ever. This will never be forgotten honestly... don't entirely know if that's good or bad..

What I keep thinking about is DnP probably have some many cute photos of them either separate or together from anywhere they've gone and have never shown them which is sad but hopefully this means they'll now be open to share more of these photos if they exist :)

All in all, June has been an absolutely amazing month and I'm immensely proud of them both <3

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