"Happy Birthday Phil!"

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Dan and Phil adopt a dog, simple.

*3rd person view*
"Are we getting a Labrador?"
"Too active."
"Are we getting a.. corgi?"
"That's the third time you have a asked for a corgi and the third time I have said no."
"Are we getting.. a... a..uh."
"Running out of ideas are we Phil? Finally you'll be quiet."
"But what dog are we getting?!"
"Ahh you'll have to wait and see."
"Your so stubborn. I hate you sometimes."
"Aww, love you too Phil."
Dan placed his hand on the middle seat near Phil's hand as the taxi was driving down the busy streets of London. Dan's hand crept over to Phil's and slowly intertwined. The two smiled without making eye contact. Phil watched the countryside roll by as they drove away from London into a small village where the nearest puppy shelter was. Dan and Phil were recently started dating and it was Phil's birthday so Dan decided to get a puppy for him. When he told him, he was over the moon like a small hyper child. Dan just laughed as Phil danced around the kitchen at the thought of owning a small puppy. He was so happy. That made Dan happier. The two had know each other for many years but were always to scared to ask each other out. Finally, they said something. Dan would say he made the first move and Phil would say he made the first move but deep down the two knew who really made the first move. It was Louise, their best friend. She had told Phil how Dan felt about him and the same with Dan about Phil. Eventually, it finally happened.

As they finally pulled up to the dog shelter, Phil felt even more giddy. He had always wanted a dog and told Dan on one of their first official dates. Dan prided himself on his memory so was proud when Phil had said "You remembered!" after he told Phil they were getting a puppy.
"What are we getting? What are we getting? What are we getting? What are we-"
"Phil! Be quiet! They're bringing the dog here!" Dan said holding Phil's shoulders to stop him jumping up and down.

"Oh My God!"
Phil fell on the floor next to the puppy and began to play with the little puppy. The pug couldn't stand up as his tiny legs couldn't hold his body weight. Phil was bouncing around the dog and the puppy was coping him. Dan smiled proudly and began to the stroke the, now laying down due to an energy loss, pug.
"He's so cute!" Phil said, his blues eyes as bright as stars.
"Though you'd like him.." Dan mumbled  smiling.
"I love him, Dan. Thank you so much!" Phil jumper to his feet to hug Dan. He nearly knocked him over due to excitement.  Phil then pitched to little pug up and held him in his arms. The two boys were giving the dog all their attention although the vet was trying to ask them questions. She eventually gave up and left to gather the puppy's stuff.
"What shall we call him?" Dan asked while Phil nuzzled his face into the puppy.
"Um.. not sure." Phil replied quietly.
"How about.." Dan leaned closer and leaned in his ear to whisper a name.
"We aren't naming our pug Dil Howlter, Dan!!" Phil's said annoyed. Dan was laughing as Phil began to walk away holding the puppy.
"Ok I'm sorry." He grabbed his arm. "How about.. Peter Pug?"
"Dan stop joking!" Dan was containing his laughter this time. "How about Charlie?"
"Charlie... Charlie... boring but I guess it's cute!" Dan said happily.

The two left with their new pug, Charlie, and all his stuff. They called a taxi and went home.

*A few moths later*
"Charlie! Dan!" Called Phil. The slightly larger pug cake running into the kitchen followed swiftly by Dan. Charlie began to eat his little bowl of food while Phil passed a cup of tea.
"Thank you Dan." Phil said leaning on his shoulder.
"You say that everyday. I tell you everyday, anything for you."
The two hugged and watched their little pug eat his dinner.

Hope you liked the new oneshot.
I know Charlie is kinda a shit name but just go with it ok? Didn't proof read it so... ignore mistakes...😁
Have a good day random person who read this!!    -E

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