You, me and a cup of tea

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~All in Dans POV~
It was late, about 2 am. I was sat in my bed but I couldn't sleep. My roommate had been constantly sneaking to the kitchen for food. Specifically my cereal. It was keeping me awake. I heard a crash from him as he walked into his room again, probably knocking into some object. I leapt out of bed and ran to the door until I heard a "I'm ok Dan. I know you are awake." I chuckled and blushed. I heard him laugh at me as I climbed back into bed. He really is clumsy I thought. Phil Lester, my roommate, was something else. We had know each other for a long time and we met through our jobs. Being YouTubers. We met at a convention we were both alone at. I was looking at my phone, him too, and we crashed into each other. That's when I saw his shining pools of light for eyes and his raven black hair. I never was a hopeless romantic per say but in this moment I knew. I knew he was the one for me. (That is extremely cheesy.) We hung out all day and stayed in contact until one day I got a message from him. I wanted to move out from my then current home and so did Phil so we decided to move in together. Now, you may be thinking that's a stupid idea moving in with a guy who you love. But I was ecstatic to live with Phil. To see him everyday. I couldn't wait. Until after a week of living together. I'm not saying i regret moving in with him, I just.. wish I didn't like him. It is hard when you see him in his pyjamas in the morning with messy hair and glasses holding a cup of tea and making breakfast for us both... or in a towel when he comes out the shower and walking past me to grab his phone not to just grab him and kiss him. Oh god he is so perfect. Anyway moving on. I, to this day, have never made a move on Phil. I promise to every day but I never do. Why I hear you ask? Because I am a pussy. And Phil is straight. And 'so am I'... I think? And Phil only ever saw me as his best friend. I was ok with that but I wish we were more sometimes. Oh yeah and I worry what if he says no? What if it ruins our friendship? What if he never wants to speak to again? Being friends is better than nothing. I guess.

I woke up the next morning, upset my dream was interrupted and turned on my phone. Phil knocked on the door and walked in. "Morning Dan!" He said brightly. How is he so enthusiastic in the mornings? "Morning Phil." I said groggily. He sat beside my bed and I sat up. "Tea?" He asked me. "Ah, you know me too well." I said back chuckling silently. Phil didn't say anything. He just winked at me and laughed quietly before leaving the room. My cheeks flushed. I tried to hide it but he saw. I dragged myself out of bed and changed into my normal clothes, black jeans with a black hoodie. I walked into the kitchen to see Phil stirring my tea and standing in his emoji pyjamas. I hate them and love them at the same time. I was about to walk over to him but before I could, he turned around to give me the tea. He tripped and fell onto me spilling the tea everywhere. As he laid on me, recovering, I looked in his eyes, his blue pools of light. He looked in my eyes, my chestnut brown pools of darkness. I couldn't help myself and neither could he clearly. Our lips touched and it was like magic. I had been waiting years for this and you could tell he had been too. I put a hand in his raven black hair, gently stroking it and he put his hand on the side of my face. We were pulling each other closer and closer to each other until there was no space between us. He pulled away and we both smirked at each other. "You have no idea how long.. I've waited to do that." He said almost breathlessly. "Me too, Phil. I- I-" I stuttered trying to comprehend what happened. "I love you too Dan." He said softly taking the literal words out of my mouth. Suddenly my back felt wet. It was the tea seeping into my clothes. "Oh my god, Phil get off me!" He clambered off and grabbed paper towels. "Sorry. I forgot I spilt it." He said laughing. He stuck his tongue out like he always did, a habit which made me fall for him even more. "Phil, you utter spork." I said laughing. He giggled as we cleaned up the tea spillage.

After we had cleaned up the mess, I was feeling awkward and slightly sick so I went and sat on the sofa. I heard Phil asking where I was going but my head was pounding. I flopped face first on the sofa and my head felt worse. I heard a quiet knock at the door. "Dan? Can we talk?" Phil said. I was scared. What if he regrets what happened?!
"Sure. That's fine."
Phil walked in and sat next to me. I shuffled awkwardly and pulled at the edge of my dark black jumper. He turned to face me and I couldn't handle the crushing silence.
"So.." I said quietly. "I guess you wanna talk about what happened." Of course he did you idiot.
"Yeah. Do you regret what happened?" He asked shyly. He was worried that I had no feelings for him. And all this time I was worried. "Oh my god, of course I don't. Phil, I meant what I said. I l-love you. So much. I have since 2009. Since we met." I said, proud I didn't break down and blabber about random shit.
"Oh, thank god. I love you too Dan. I have since I first saw you at the convention. I was too scared to tell you." He smiled a genuine smile at me and grabbed my hands. We sat just looking at each other for a moment before Phil put his hand on my face. He pulled me closer and we kissed again. After, I laid my head on his chest and he fiddled with my hair. "Wanna watch anime?" Phil asked.
"Is that even a question?" I said replied laughing slightly.
That was the start of our life. Together.
(Cheesy ass bitch)

My first ever Phan one shot on here. I hope anyone who read this enjoyed (if anyone reads it) 💕

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