After the show

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(Short) What i imagined to have happened after the first interactive introverts.

*3rd person view*
As Dan player the last note on the piano, the crowds erupted with cheers. The two boys shared a glance as the curtain closed. They breathed a sigh of relief and went backstage. Phil went to open their dressing room door when Dan tapped his shoulder timidly. Phil turned to see tears in Dan's eyes. "We did it." He whispered quietly. "We did it." Phil whispered in return. The two boys hugged each other as tears fell from their eyes. Phil pulled away and wiped his face as Dan did the same. One more loving look at each other before Phil whispered "Only a few more shows to do." The two laughed as they walked into the room, a mix of happiness and relief in their hearts but a smile on their faces.

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