Safe and Sound

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I remember tears streaming down your face
when I said I'll never let you go

Pale hands in brown curls

When all those shadows almost killed your light

Cold arms wrapped around warmer waists

I remember you said
Don't leave me here alone

Reminiscing on memories of old promises to never leave each other alone

But all that's dead and gone
and passed tonight

Brown eyes growing heavy with tiredness

Just close your eyes

Fully closed now as other whispers comforting words 

The sun is going down

Pale hands running through brown curls again nervously

You'll be alright

Smooth lips pressing on the others forehead

No one can hurt you know

The moonlight streaming a streak on the brown hair

Come morning light you and I'll be

Hearing a crash of noise from somewhere

Safe and sound

Moving closer out of fear

Don't you dare look out your window

A banging on the door through screams scaring the brown

Darling everything's on fire

Red and white marks can visibly be seen all over

The war outside our door keeps raging on

The banging continues causing tears to slip out  eyes

Hold on to this lullaby

Rocking backwards and forward gently to calm the shakily falling tears and body seeming to shake with fear

Even when the musics gone...

The memory of his saviour begins to disappear


And it's gone, leaving the brown haired boy to fend for himself

Just close your eyes

Advice from a different time flows through his head

The sun is going down

The moonlight is here and will soon be gone as will the noise and the fear

You'll be alright

I won't be ok
is the only thing in ones mind when in danger

No one can hurt you know

Someone right outside my door will hurt me soon

Come morning light you and I'll be

It was better when you were here

Safe and sound

When you never left me

All alone

If it's not obvious, basically Dan has an abusive family and Phil was there for him but he left Dan all alone. They only thing keeping Dan going is hope he'll return and Phil's lullaby spinning through his head.
Why are these turning so morbid?? <3

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