Chapter 1.5-Village Time Trial

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(New Quest)

RDS: A quest? Lemme check.

(Reach the Human Village by nightfall. Reward- 1000 AP, 1000 IP, and a random skill. Failure will result in loss of an item.)

[Time Remaining:2 hours]

RDS 2 hours? Seems doable.*Hits the item box*

{Got Vector Bands-Grants a massive agility bonus that scales to your level, and has a burst boost that recharges over time. Equip? >(Yes) (No)} Eyy. I remember these from a game I played. Boost Vector was it?*Pockets item box*

Arc: Let's do dis.

RDS: Burst- AWOAHWOAHWOAH!*Rockets into the air*  Ah crap- ether make me float! *Hovers* Nice! Might as well fly to the village then.

Arc: No time to waste!*follows suit*

RDS stops every 20 minutes to rest and catch his breath, and 5 bursts and an hour later,

(Quest Complete)

That took long enough.

(Accept Rewards)

[Got 1000 AP]

[Got 1000 Yen]

[Got Mark skill]

RDS: Elaborate.

[Support Skill-Marks and heals one ally, enhancing their stats and skills massively for a few minutes. If the user has a close enough positive relationship with the target, the mark will be permanent and grant other benefits. Only one TEMPORARY mark at a time, and you can't use it on the same person twice in a row. Perma-Marks can't stack on the same target either. The Arc only gets the healing from this skill. Can revive if the mark can Perma. You can't use this skill on yourself. No cool-down]

RDS: Not bad for my first skill.

Arc: Now we should get some healing items. And...

(Save? [>Yes] [No])

(Game Saved)

Me: *already running to the Hakurei Shrine*

Arc: Even though I legit saved the game seconds ago? *sigh* Guess there's no restin' with the fanboy.

End of Chapter


(At the Hakurei Shrine)

Reimu/Rei:*in the shrine cleaning* hmm hmm hmm...

(Shrine Maiden of Paradise, Reimu Hakurei, Level 50)

(Shrine Maiden of Paradise, Reimu Hakurei, Level 50)

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RDS and Arc arrive at the shrine.

Arc: I was planning to introduce her to you tomorrow. Seems like she's busy.

RDS: Might as well touch up the shrine while we wait. (I kinda feel bad for her... she always does her job and barely gets paid for it.)

He gets out a duster from the item box and starts cleaning.

Arc: Not a bad idea.

Arc gets a broom and cleans as well.

*10 min later*

Reimu: All done.*hears knocking and opens the door* Why hello Arc.

Arc: Hey Rei.

Rei: I'd love to talk, but I'm busy...*Notices the outside of the shrine is spotless**Smiles* Thanks.

Arc: You're welcome, but it wasn't just me...

RDS: Hi Reimu! It's nice to meet you.

Rei: Greetings. You must be the RDS. I and Sanae have heard a lot about you from the gods, namely Gaia.

RDS: So you can communicate with non-Touhou characters... interesting.

Rei: If you need a place to stay, you can stay with me for the time being, since you cleaned the shrine-*Gasp* Your arm! Yukari told me you were harmed, but I didn't think you'd have a gash like that.

RDS: Oh right, forgot about that thing. Stupid dusk youkai ax. Where'd she even get one?

Arc: Who knows.

Reimu: I'll get some bandages, follow me inside.

Skip to sunset. Bandaging took a while.

Rei: There you go. It's not too serious, so it should heal within a day or two. I instilled some magic in it to ease the pain, but try not to strain it.

RDS: Thanks, Reimu. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm a bit sleepy...

Arc: We flew here from the Forest of Magic, and he's still getting used to using said magic.

Reimu: I thought so. Facing a youkai head-on is no easy feat for an outsider, let alone building up the courage to fight one. Most people would run screaming at mere sight. There are futons in the bedrooms when you're ready for bed.

RDS: Wait, how did you know we fought Rumia?

Rei: Yukari told me.

Arc: *sigh* Of course. gaphag.

RDS: Anyways, night Rei-rei...*Yawns, saves, and goes to sleep*

Rei: Goodnight, RDS. *goes to bed*

Arc: Night, you two. *Shuts down*

The actual end of chapter

A/N: 645 words and a new friend, who happens to be another protag! Nice!

Also, Mari might pop up next chap...

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