Chapter 10

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Before the chapter start guys I just wanna make a lil change. So I'm going to bump everyone's ages up. Instead of Ari turning 18 she will be turning 20. Trina is 21. Ella is 20 and Chyna is 22. Rahshawn will now be 23 and the same goes with Kilo. I just felt like everyone was just too young.

Authors POV

After the altercation at Ella's house Chyna decided to stop at her favorite Restaurant , Big Mommas Soul Food.

Once Chyna made it to the restaurant, she sat in her car thinking about the whole situation. She really hated Ari. She hated everything about her. The only thing on her mind was revenge. Revenge for everything she ever did.

We know Ari really didn't do anything to her , but that's not how she views it. To her Ari is the person who ruined her life and she wasn't going to let her get away with it.

She stared blankly out her windshield, "I FUCKING HATE THAT BITCH I SWEAR TO GOD !" She said out of nowhere, while banging her hand into her steering.

"She ruined my whole life" she said once again looking blankly out her windshield. "She ruined every fuckin thing, it's only right I do the same to her" she said shrugging as if she was talking to someone.

After having a meltdown and talking to herself, she finally got herself together. She put on her Gucci shades and grabbed her purse and made her way towards the restaurant.

Almost immediately after she walked in she was seated. She was seated where she could see the Entrance.

After ordering her food she decided to get on Instagram to keep her busy. As soon as she logged in the first picture she saw was of Ari and Rah'shawn at a restaurant all boo'd up. It literally killed her inside. She wanted to know what does Ari have that she didn't. She was getting really insecure.

While looking at the picture she rolled her eyes long and hard. "Uggh, she so damn ugly with them - -ugly ass - -chinky ass eyes" she with a disgusted look on her face. "As a matter fact why I am I even following this bitch" she said unfollowing her and looking confused as if Ari was just a trifling ass person. Well to her she was.

The bells on the doors of the restaurant made a noise indicating someone was coming in. Chyna looked up from her phone seeing a fine ass man walk in that she knew all too well. It was none other than Travis. She immediately tensed up because she always had a lil thing for him.

Travis definitely noticed her looking at him. And just like she knew him, he knew her. He knew exactly who Chyna and actually couldn't wait for this moment. He actually knew she was going to be there and that's why he came.

He put a small smirk on his face and made his way to Chynas table.

"Wassup ma" He said licking his lips.

"Hey" Chyna said while fidgeting with her nails.

He decided to make himself comfortable and sit across from her at the table.

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