"How she must have felt when Sam died."
I whispered. I couldn't even try to imagine what I would have felt if anything happened to Derrick.

Derrick chuckled. "Yeah. It wasn't unexpected and Jenna was broken. She was this lively person back then who love to cause trouble. I guess that's why Sam stayed with her for too long. They were one of a kind. But when he died, she shut everyone out. Became meaner and left the country. You know when she returned. And she gave everyone the impression that she was back for AJ Jacobs."

"So, her sex escapades with Barry was all a part of her plan? A game?"

"A game."
He said, nodding. "Revenge, if you would put it that way."

"Those that also settle for why she hates me so much?"

"She doesn't hate you, Mel."

"Yeah, she doesn't. I forgot how very sweet she has been to me for months now. Even threatening me to leave all of you else I'll regret it."

Derrick laughed. "She doesn't hate you. I told you, Sam's death broke her."

"Well, hello? I'm not AJ. I don't even know who this Sam is."
I said and rolled my eyes.

He smiled and stared at me.

"So, what about Lucas and you? Why are you both trying to kill each other?"

His smile faded and was replaced with a frown.


He said.

I blinked. "Tammy? Just Tammy?"

"Well, not entirely that. But, I guess it started with her. See, I told he had an affair with AJ, right? But I didn't tell you that he was in love with Tammy all along."

Lucas told me. I nodded.

"Whenever I joked with him about it, he always denied it. Until one day, he opened up to me that he was actually in love with her. But I fucked up. After his issue with her, they had a fight and she hated him."

Derrick was picking his words carefully. I understand that he was trying not in expose the fact that Lucas raped Tammy.

Well, that's nothing you tell someone unless you did it yourself.

"Then, I...One night, I was drunk  and, well, not entirely drunk. I knew what I was doing. Tammy was there and the next morning she was sleeping beside me and I didn't need to ask what happened. I know I slept with her. It went on and on and I never told Lucas. But he found out anyway."

"How could you do something like that?"
I said it in a whisper because I couldn't trust my voice.

He shook his head. "Stupidity is the only word for it, Mel. I know I messed up. And I tried to make amends but he hated me so much, I hates to see me. He vowed to make me pay for betraying him like that. Until I fell into the same boat with him."

"What do you mean?"

He glanced at me and sighed again. "I did something, Mel. And he has been using that as a weapon. If I hadn't slept with the one he loves then maybe we would still be friends. I'm not blaming it on anything but at that time, Sam had just died and I was...vulnerable. Tammy came to me and we talked while drinking. It just happened."

"But it kept happening."
I pointed out.

He nodded. "Until Lucas found out. When you came along, I was scared. Scared that he would use you against me."

That's why he has been very angry with Lucas around me.
I thought.

"He's not like that, Derrick."

GAMES BY DIM LIGHT || Mature ||Where stories live. Discover now