I hummed, "I think they're a little dirty, don't you?"

He curses under his breathe and spins me around, "God, I wish I could take you right now against the wall, but I need a little more time to recover after what you just did to me."

I couldn't stop the proud smile that formed on my face and I saw the look of amusement cross over his. His green eyes were lighter than I've ever seen them, a stark contrast to the lustful eyes I had experienced for the last few hours.

He stepped away from me and bent down to pick up his underwear. Sadly, he put them on as I wiggled my way back into my jeans. It was hard since I was still a little sweaty and the extra layer of moisture made everything a little more sticky. Harry, once again, closed the gap between us and hooked his long fingers into my belt hoops, helping me fit back into my tight jeans.

I looked up at him to see him holding back a laugh, which only made me laugh. I threw my head back at the thought of this boy helping me get dressed because I'm incapable of doing it myself. As I continued to laugh he zipped my jeans up and buttoned them. I shook my head at him and he finally chuckled a bit. I turned around to pick up my shirt, but felt his hand come down on my ass in a light slap.

I yelped and turned around quickly, grasping at my behind to see him full on laughing now. My mouth was wide open, but I quickly found myself joining in on his laughter. Finally, we calmed down enough to finish dressing ourselves. I brushed out my hair as much as I could with my fingers and then figured it didn't matter if people knew I had sex hair considering Harry and I were practically dry-humping in the middle of the dance floor.

As I strapped on my sandals, Harry picked up my panties off the ground and walked over to me, biting his lip seductively. I stood up and waited for him to come to me. I loved how he didn't bother trying to fix his crazy sex hair that I had combed and pulled on for the last hour or so, almost as if it was a badge of honor.

"I think these belong to you." He reaches behind me and stuffs them into my back pocket, his hand lingering on my ass for longer than necessary. I smiled up at him, but he continued in a low voice before I could respond, "I am going to say, I'm not sure I'll be able to handle myself out there knowing you aren't wearing anything under these," He squeezes my ass and pulls his hand out of my back pocket, pulling on the fabric and making it snap back to my body, "tight pants."

His hands moved to my hips and he stepped a bit closer to me. He thought he was in control, but I was about to pull a check mate.

I reached behind me and pulled the lacy undergarment from my pocket and dangled it in between us, "Well, I guess that's what these are for." Without losing eyes contact, I slipped the small, fragile piece of clothing into his front right pocket, "A souvenir for your travels." I tease, earning me a lustful gaze and a beautiful smirk I wanted to kiss right off his face.

With that I leaned up on my tip toes and ghosted my lips against his, lingering for a second as I heard him breathe in sharply. I smiled and pulled my lips away before he could lean forward. I couldn't help the small peck I placed on his neck, however, before I walked out of the room, leaving him speechless and breathless.


"So, you have the best sex of your life and you're not going to try and pursue him?" Cassie asks as she changes into her dress for the party tonight.

All the girls are in my room getting ready, each of us putting in a lot of effort tonight seeing as it's being held at a mansion that one of the rich kids on campus calls home. As annoying as it is to dress up like this, the parties are always a blast. Cassie always gets us in to these more exclusive college parties, because she's dating Eric Carter, one of the rich fuckers friends.

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